Since half a year I spend every weekend for a couple of hours at the library. I sneak around the poesihyllan (HC.03, baby) and see, I think, delicious svårmodig out. The new habit is because I – or rather my little sadder alter ego, Harald Bergius – every day, to share some diktrader in a Facebook group. As these fine, by Magnus Hedlund:

Here’s the police
in the middle of the street stands,
niger, and says
that now it is spring.

the visits in bokborgarna discovered two things.

✓ Many poets seem to have it a little körigt with themselves. And fnula a part in the death.

✓ At the Teutates, what I’m happy in the library!

And for you, dear young people, who are wondering where the adult world’s fascination with bibblor will, consider the fact that they once were the closest of the internet. However, with the difference that all the info was at least a year old, and that they had to look and look and read and read to find lastly and porn. The latter proved, by the way, at the library in Orminge, in particular, consist of three pages, one-fifth in Ken Folletts ”Codename Rebecca”. And what comes to konspirationerna I found none at all – hardly a coincidence, if you ask me.

But now-a-days?

Well, a library is one of the few places in the community where you are welcome without buying anything, without being one and without believing of anything in particular. In addition, there are people there who can and want to help. So, to be completely serious in a very short moment: Live and save the libraries! Long live the daily mundane, struggling humanism!

Madam B (which I do when I come just this far in the text), she replies: ”The best thing about libraries is that you can go for free on the barntoaletterna, if you can stand that they are so small.”

It is different there. There is something for all ages and types. But for it to be just as nice at home as on the Stockholm different library, I would like to record that Mrs B actually… sometimes… also read on the vuxentoaletter.

another thing that struck me during the hours at the municipal kunskapshusen is how many of the visitors who have questions about the digital era. It is nice there, how the temples for an information technology revolution to help latecomers out in the next. So while I stand there and scroll, I think I would take home with me, if only for a short loan collection, are bibliotekariernas wonderful patience.

Read more causeries of Mr. B. For example: Therefore, men have actually a beard. And if you want to read something clever and funny about the library read Jenny Lindh frågespalt.

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