“Tony Irving harsh criticism – after jurykaoset”

“Tony Irving is not satisfied with the ”Let’s dance”-the jury’s actions. “

“Now he directs harsh criticism against his colleagues. “

“– It is my job to speak up if something doesn’t work, ” he says to Nöjesbladet. “

“After last week’s ”Let’s dance” directed chairman Tony Irving strong criticism against their jurykollegor and felt that their opinions influence the viewers to vote out the wrong people. “

” We had a meeting earlier in the evening where we, the jury discussed my actions after last week’s program, I was annoyed. Ann was very clear and conveyed his position to me. Cecilia has conveyed its. And I have conveyed my to them. “

“– As the president it is my job to speak up if something doesn’t work. But now we have right out there and based on that, we have worked on, ” says Tony Irving to Nöjesbladet. “

“But the confusion of the viewers also continued this week when Cecilia Lazar gave Magdalena Forsberg’s dance 4 points while Tony Irving gave the same dance to 9 points. “

“”A Jury normally deliberate and reach a joint decision. Not sit and lift a spade with the numbers that they do not seem to have an eye on!”, writes a reader on the Nöjesbladets chat.”

“”How can John get to sit in the jury? She seems to have the goal to find the opposite,” writes another. “

“– Some moments in the evening, so we gave very drastic difference when it comes to the point that in Magdalena’s case. And I can say so here. Cecilia is allowed to stand for the fantastic four itself. I had never given it the dance, ” says Tony. “

“Ivring think Lazars points to Forsberg chafe. “

“– She said herself she looked at the dance and judged according to the technical, while I myself looked at the whole picture. We have the freedom to think what we want but I’m still a little surprised that she did not see the big picture, ” he says. “

“Irving argues that there is a risk that the worthy winner of the smokes for the benefit of the audience if not the jury will guide the viewers to vote in the right direction. “

“– Looking out over the dance floor so you can see that the girls we have, it wipes the floor with all of the male participants here. It is the girls who are in the top. But how will the people vote? For the love these goa guys. We have seen it year after year. “

“– It would not surprise me at all if Thomas Ravelli ends up in the final. I think it would be a disaster for the dance when a non-skilled dancers to come to a final, which for me is first and foremost a dance competition, ” he says. “

“”the Audience should not get the vote ‘”

“He stresses that he is fully aware that there is also an entertainment programme in which the audience vote – something he is ambivalent to. “

” I don’t think the audience should get to vote, but it is a concept I can’t change. As dansdomare irritates me like heck and I am very afraid that this season is the girls that smokes. If we start to lose these talented girls to the Swedish people do not have the spine to vote for the girls it is a disaster. “

“Who would fairly have had to leave in the evening?”

“– as a Pro it is definitely Thomas Ravelli. “

“Who was the best in the evening?”

“– It was Magdalena Forsberg. For me it was she did out standing. “

“Cecilia Lazar left the studio directly after the broadcast.”