in addition to a doorbell button says “Private”. In addition to the other “business”. Alexander Segert does not seem particularly eager to betray the name of his advertising Agency. Only when the black gate to the yard of the family house in Andelfingen opens, you will see a door with a sign: “Goal AG”.

For 40 years, this company is making advertising for the SVP , one of the notorious Subjects for the deportation initiative (white and black sheep), or the minaret come ban. For several years, the Goal is also active abroad, including in the context of the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Up to 400’000 Euro penalty

For this activity is not only the media, but also the administration of the German Bundestag and prosecutors are interested in. Because the Goal AG Connections from the mysterious donors to the AfD environment to run. A key figure is Segert in the AfD-donations affair.

This could also be the reason why the formerly talkative Segert is silent today. He was away, in the case of rates, shall notify an employee of the Goal AG. Segert answered but no Mails, if you are coming from the media.

Obviously, the 56-year-old native of Hamburg does not want to be addressed on its activities for the my AfD . Although, from the Swiss point of view is completely legal in Germany, but high fines threaten. German media reports that the Bundestag administration of the donations in kind as a illegal party funding rate and of the AfD up to 400’000 Euro could ask for.

With Segert friends: AfD Co-chair Jörg Meuthen. Photo: Lennart Preiss (Getty)

For at least three years, the Goal AG is for politicians in the AfD. For the AfD Federal spokesman Jörg Meuthen, the company assisted in the election campaign in Baden-Württemberg, a home, and left posters and leaflets printing, to a value of 89’900 euros. Meuthen said in an Interview that he was friends with Segert.

After that, the AfD candidate in North Rhine-Westphalia, Guido Reil came, in the enjoyment of a Goal campaign, with posters for 44’500 Euro. As Segert with media language, he explained the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”, he had received “from a group of private individuals,” the order to support Reil’s candidacy. The German Bundestag administration has not filed this Declaration. Because it is in the AfD-donations affair to enlightenment, who wants to take over donations to a party influence on German policy. And why the donor chose the detour via companies in Switzerland.

Wrong name on the list

Segert came under pressure. State institutions required transparency, the donor wanted to remain in the Dark. So the recruiter tried it with a Trick that was, in retrospect, as a little wise. The Goal AG sent lists with the donor’s name to the Bundestag administration. However, most of the people on these lists turned out to be straw men. Their names they had given to the part as a Favor and partly against money.

The straw men bring Segert and Goal in connection with a further donation from Switzerland to the AfD, with those of 150’000 Swiss francs, the AfD top candidate Alice ryegrass in the summer of 2017 by the Zurich-based company PWS pharmaceutical wholesale. The PWS reported the same donor name as Segert to the Bundestag administration. However, the list of names was wrong. This is the lawyer of the pharmaceutical company’s admitted in an interview with the Research Association of NDR, WDR, “Süddeutscher Zeitung” and Tamedia.

Actually, the electoral campaign support for ryegrass of Henning Conle senior, a German real estate Mogul who lives with his family in the Zurich mountain came. The donations that flowed over Segerts Goal AG are also Conle? The billionaire did not answer the questions of Tamedia.

It goes in the affair is also about education, who wants to take influence on the German policy.

A trail leads to another German-born billionaire in Switzerland. The “mirror” and the WOZ found evidence that August von Finck to the structure of the AfD helped strong. The family Finck was part of the Mövenpick group, is involved in many Swiss companies, and owns a castle in Weinfelden.

Fincks closest Confidant is said to have helped in 2017 during the construction of the right weekly newspaper, the “courier” that Essentially represents the program of the AfD. The Design of the newspaper comes from the Goal AG, the Website was registered by Andelfinger company. Also in this case, the Parties move on volatile Terrain: Can direct Links between the the “courier” give it to be shown to the Association and AfD, could be considered the campaign as illegal party financing.

The club’s Chairman and editor-in-chief of the “Germany-courier”, the German David Bendel’s, does not write to the contacts with Segert and the Goal AG, that he had “come to this complex of animals”. The AfD had to walk away in the summer of 2018 by the Association. According to the “mirror” was also the Goal of the AfD is a cease and desist letter. The Agency is not allowed to use the Logo and other identification marks of the party.

In Switzerland, it has become quiet to the long-naturalized Segert. Earlier, his Agency made regularly, with aggressive and provocative campaigns for the SVP. Right-wing populist and extreme-right groups in Europe, takeovers, while the ad subjects, Segert – the spouse of a Swiss Federal judge, but claimed that this is done without his consent. About ten years ago, in Austria Segert for campaigns and seminars in Vorarlberg and in Styria hired by the Freedom party. In the Styrian election campaign in 2010, the FPÖ was the Austrian Version of Segerts “minaret-Attack”game online. In the case of the “mosque Baba” was shot Muezzins on screen, anyway. Segert and the FPÖ-country chief have been indicted for sedition, but acquitted.

Responsible for “billposting”

Segert, Vice-President of the SVP Andelfingen (responsible for “advertising and communications” and “posters”), has less fear of contact with foreign right-wing parties than higher-ranking exponents of the SVP. The Goal of AG was 2016 even money for a conference in Düsseldorf, in the case of the FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache on the former AfD leaders, Frauke Petry and Marcus Pretzell. “We sniff us today for the first time – and it smells good,” said Strache.

His Agency had only “put in on behalf of a customer, a contribution to the rent,” said Segert of the NZZ. At the time, he was still self-aware: “There is probably no advertisers, the media, as open to discussion as I am.” Meanwhile he is silent with regard to the AfD. On the Goal Website, the latest entry in the summer of 2018 is: the messages about his work for the AfD as “wrong and due to this the summer hole Segert referred to”. Since then, his German campaigns have attracted a lot of attention, even in the case of the German judiciary.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 12.04.2019, 19:01 PM