During Erdoğan’s visit to the offices of a Left-members print-outs of Kurdish flags hung on the Windows of the Bundestag. The Federal police urge therefore, in the absence of the deputies in the office and removed the prints. They argued that followers of the Turkish President would otherwise have damaged, perhaps in Protest of the Bundestag building. The Left-the Deputy sees his constitutional rights violated and has therefore submitted in Karlsruhe, Germany, an organ lawsuit against the President of the Bundestag, Schäuble. the By Robert rossmann, Berlin Robert rossmann

Robert rossmann is a graduate of the German school of journalism. He studied Economics, communications and political science. At the age of 27, he became editor of the süddeutsche Zeitung. Previously, he had worked at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. In 1997, rossmann was the Deputy news chief of the SZ, in the year 2000, he took over the management of the Bayern part. At the end of 2004, he became parliamentary correspondent in Berlin. In 2007, he went to work as a Newsdesk-head back to Munich. Since 1. In January 2012, he is Deputy head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.

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follow It is a case of fundamental importance, because it needs to be clarified is the question of the conditions under which police officers in the offices of the Bundestag deputies are allowed to penetrate. Michel Brandt, a member of the Left, has tabled a body suit at the Federal constitutional court. The reason for an incident during the visit of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in September 2018 in Berlin.

The Deputy Brandt of the Bundestag administration of three rooms in the building “unter den Linden 50” as an office. 29. September found police officers, that the Windows of these rooms colored printouts of photos of a Kurdistan flag and a pennant of the Kurdish people’s defense units YPG hung. At the time, it was a Saturday, no one in the office. Brandt, according to the police tried to reach neither him, nor his staff, nor the security officer of the links group. Instead, the police invaded with a Central key in the rooms and removed the prints from the Windows. Michel Brandt and his Team noticed, as they came in on Monday in the Bundestag that the police had been in their rooms.

The officials had left a note. It was said that during a “routine inspection” posters have been found and these had been “taken on the occasion of the state visit of the Turkish President,” according to house rules. The house rules of Parliament prohibits the placing of posters “on doors, walls or Windows in the public buildings of the German Bundestag, as well as Windows and facades of these buildings, which are visible from the outside”. Because of the incident, the left party demanded clarification from Wolfgang Schäuble. The President of the Bundestag does not possess in the property of the Parliament only the right, but also the police violence. This is even regulated in the basic law. This independent competence to protect the Bundestag prior to influence by the Executive and the judiciary. To ensure that there is a “police of the German Bundestag”, the Parliament, the President. It is for all of the Bundestag building is responsible for the offices of members of Parliament. The officials who entered the mayor’s office, were those the Bundestag police officers.

Therefore, the body is action Brandts against Schäuble. In his reply to the links group, Schäuble refers to an opinion of the unit, ZR3 (police, security tasks) of the Bundestag administration. It States, according to the organ action, that “to fear due to the Posters was that of the followers of Turkish President provokes feeling and in the follow-up actions to the detriment of the German Bundestag companies could”. It had to be assumed that followers to get carried away could cause, damage to the building or in the building. To these dangers, the Federal police decided to remove the posters immediately. Brandt considers this reference to a kind of danger for the fed, because the area had been cordoned off in front of the building because of the state visit spacious. “The ‘unter den Linden’ has only To be and served at the departure of the Turkish President and his Hotel,” says Brandt. Also the reference to the right he thinks is weak. Brandt points out that in the Bundestag “, many members of Parliament with posters and Info-unmount Material” without the steps.

but Above all, the Left-the Deputy considers Enter his premises for a violation of his constitutional rights. In its organ of action, it is, in the members ‘ offices to be stored “normally documents” that had been given to the parliamentarians in the framework of its activity “by the voters thereof”. These documents would enjoy “special protection” and this protection right had been violated by the Intrusion of police in his absence. In addition, the officials had acted without the Express permission of schäuble. Whether Brandt has with his evaluation right now to the Federal constitutional court to decide.