For the second year in a row rounded out the Koda in 2018 a billion in revenue. It is apparent from musikrettighedsorganisationens annual report, which is published Friday.

part of the turnover is due to arrears from previous years of tv-distribution. It does not, however, that it is a pleasing result, think koda’s managing director Anders Lassen.

– It, we can rejoice in, is that our revenue grows, and they grow significantly. The growth comes mainly from the digital areas, he says, and adds, that the result means that Koda can send 906 million in addition to its rights holders.

– the beautiful result rests, however, once again this year at the slightly bittersweet background, to a part of the turnover is due to an accumulation of money in the system, which has not been paid due to lack of delingsaftaler with other rettighedshavergrupper, ” says Anders Lassen.

Jesper Binzer and the guys in the D-A-D, together with their Danish colleagues look forward to more money payday. Photo: Per Lange

But who is at the same time, progress on several of koda’s indtægtsområder. Among other things, went to the revenues from the streaming of tv, movies and series forward with eight million kroner.

Thus contributed nicely to the onlineområdet, with a total turnover of eur 286.5 million went 24 percent up compared to last year.

– It is both such thing as music streaming services, which go forward – more and more are using streaming instead of cds – but we can also see that the digital services in the cable network and streaming of the video goes forward.

– The driver in the high level our revenue and now weighs up for the loss of the more traditional areas, says Anders Jessen.

Also on the market area increased revenues. Here it was predominantly koncertområdet, which drives prosperity, which with a total turnover of 101 million kronor increased by eight percent.

In February, after several years of negotiation, concluded an agreement, which shall result in a new EU-directive on copyright.

– First and foremost, this means the new legislation is that there will be same rules for all, doing what one might call a music service. So far it has been such that there has not been the same legislative framework for Spotify, as there has been for YouTube.

– We hope that we will see a growth from both new and established music services, when all services are subject to the same rules, says koda’s director.