“Data: Swedish Assange-links gripen”

“are suggested to be Wikileaks founder near”

“A Swedish man who claimed to be close to the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested at the airport in Ecuador’s capital of Quito, according to the AP.”

“the state Department has been reached by the medieuppgifterna.”

“– But we need to examine this more closely, ” says Elisa Högman at the MFA.”

“A person who works for the ecuadorian authorities, says the news agency AP that a Swedish man arrested in Ecuador.”

“the Man alleged to be Wikileaks founder Julian Assange closely, and was arrested at the airport in the capital city of Quito, when he was on his way to Japan.”

“According to the AP’s source live man in Quito, and must belong to a group that should have threatened to put out against the president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno.”

“foreign MINISTRY ”looking into it””

“Myndighetspersonen that the AP talked to wants to be anonymous and does not provide any more details on the Swedish man.”

“When Aftonbladet reaches the Department of state so have not any additional information.”

“We have seen information in the media, but we need to examine this more closely,” says Elisa Högman at the foreign MINISTRY.”