beat A somersault. A dialect song. Fangis play. The children in this country, sufficient motor, language and social skills? In General, the is tested only at kindergarten entry. In the first years of life, however, the family Situation, about what and how much a child learns, decides. It visited about a play group or daycare, you are guaranteed social interaction. It is cared for home in a foreign-speaking environment, language deficits more likely.

That should change now. A broad Alliance wants to expand early childhood education , care and education in Switzerland. Are meant offers parents consultations, play groups, day care centers, or family visits. The Swiss Unesco Commission calls for a current, broad-based report was a “policy of the early Childhood” – coordinated efforts to give every small child access to high-quality Offered. With this goal, the Jacobs Foundation-funded campaign, “Ready wants to wear!” theme in politics and the economy. And a touring exhibition of the Association the voice of Q of the population – currently in St. Gallen – closer to how children develop in the first four years of life.


The Tenor of all of these initiatives, such as investments in early Childhood pay off. “Children are accompanied in the early years, and encouraged, are later, more successful, healthier and happier,” says Heinz Altorfer of the national Commission for Unesco. “It’s not to early Chinese, but the natural learning and movement, the children’s urge to support,” says Katja width Moser, regional project Manager of the voice of Q, which combines care associations, and educational institutions.

The Offensive is showing results. Yesterday has addressed to the education Commission of the national Council for a whole afternoon with the early promotion. In the process, it became clear that Additional Federal investments in cantonal offers are a majority; only the SVP and part of the FDP reject from Federal and financial reasons. Rapid results is a dispute between the SP and the CVP was initially in the way of this. Has caused him a parliamentary Initiative of Matthias Aebischer. The SP national Council will cover the early intervention in child and youth promotion act of anchoring, the out – of-school work with children of kindergarten age. The new annual loans of 10.3 million Swiss francs to come already children from birth.

The concern was a safe way of, after both the Council commissions had pronounced. But this spring, the education politician of the national Council performed a sudden u-turn: Very scarce, they agreed to a request from the CVP, the Initiative to write off. SP representatives showed off the record “shocked” about the “family-hostile attitude” of the CVP and threw her a party-political calculus: The family party and wanted to tear the important issue in the election year with its own Initiatives under the nail.

In the case of the CVP, it was concerned whether the hostilities: “The concern we share with the SP, but the path made no sense,” says the Zurich-Kathy Riklin. “It’s not about party politics, but a good solution for an important task of our society.” Even well-meaning groups outside of Parliament to call Aebischers proposal as “ill-considered quick fix”. Investigations the administration had shown that the support of the small children would go because of the plafonierten resources at the expense of the out-of-school children and youth organizations such as scouts or blue ring.


According to the open dispute, the two parties have now gotten together – and for yesterday’s session, but still a majority, for your concern found. However, Aebischers to advance the Hearing to a different implemented: The annual contributions to the organizations will not be affected. Instead, if you want to access a different pot, which is provided for children and youth support programmes in the cantons. These grants are time-limited until the end of 2022. And as the Federal Council has recently recognised in the balance sheet, has already benefited a large number of the cantons. Therefore, this money should flow to 10 million Swiss francs for the ten years to 2022 fully in the early intervention.

in Addition, a Philipp Kutter (CVP, ZH) launched Commission to postulate is up for debate: The Federal Council to devise a strategy for early intervention and clarify whether an increased commitment by the Federal government and changes in the law are necessary. A national coordinated strategy is also the aim of the Unesco-Commission. However, this Plan had to be supported, says Altorfer: “the early promotion remains a Patchwork of private initiatives needs to be written to the right of the small children appropriate support in laws and in the Constitution.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.04.2019, 22:36 PM