to the heirs of the light, afraid to be a Gnome of Zurich: open-minded young people such as Philomena Schwab, a Endzwanzigerin with smart glasses. She didn’t want to be Coiffeurin and now leads an up-and-coming Game development Studio. Or Liliane Haltmeier, in his mid-thirties. A few years ago, she founded together with a fellow student, an architecture office and has already won several competitions.

“Gnomes of Zurich” was the abusive term of foreign countries for the bankers from the parade-ground, heap, allegedly, in the underground halls of money. The inhabitants of Zurich, saw this Gnome, rather than brownies: not dearly loved, but silently appreciated. You know: The Well-being of the city depends on you. And it still does.

orchestra count

banks and insurers are Zurich’s “financial backbone,” said city President Corine Mauch recently in the case of a site analysis. A quarter of the local value, and one in six jobs depend on the financial sector.

win But other industries in importance, and the city would like to reduce the dependence of banks and insurers. Diversification is the magic word. Great hope of the left-green city Council in the so-called creative economy. You will be encouraged, in the official strategy for the future up to 2035. And in the second place, behind the good conditions for banks and insurance companies. But the city is moving forward with this? Current data and Interviews with representatives of the creative industries, suggests that a double circuit: A few sub-sectors are growing strongly, but not because of the direct support measures of the city, but primarily because of the universities and the high quality of life.

The Zurich-based creative economy employs more than 47’000 persons share of almost 34’000 full-time jobs. Thus, it is the number two behind the financial industry-with almost 60’000. Also, in terms of value added of the creative economy according to the cluster data of the cantonal Department of economic Affairs, only behind the financial industry. The creative industry is, however, a lot of colorful scheckiger. It comprises, according to a report by the researcher Christoph Weckerle of the ZHDK, based on international definitions, over 50 types of Enterprises. Including such different, such as agencies, orchestra, goldsmiths or night clubs advertising, and not all thrive in the city of Zurich.

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on The contrary: According to statistics, every fifth full-time will be lost, at trade fair organisers every tenth went about newspaper publishers, in the past few years. On the positive end of the scale, two part stand out industries, which alone account for nearly 90 percent of the net growth in the city of Zurich’s creative industries are responsible. Or in absolute Numbers: for 2600 out of a total of 3000 additional FTEs. These two industries are with programming companies and architecture offices.

That programming stalls will be statistically attributed to the Creative, is controversial. Just a handful of the Zurich-based programming companies are really in that line of work, which is highlighted in Reports to the creative industries particularly fond of Game development. Because the researchers did not see the development of office software as part of the creative industries, only two-thirds of all Programming operations in the statistics. But also this value is more than 1200 companies are still absurdly high, say representatives of the game scene.

Finnish companies have traded in the past five years, private risk capital in the amount of 100 million euros.

conversely, one can argue that any programming activity is creative work. The Zurich-based businessman Moritz Zumbühl, a mittdrei of the gymnasium, recalls that his Game development Studio, flying blind is recorded as a programming operation, but also a graphic artist and a musician, busy. The urban policy stiffened too one-sided to Promote programming, Zumbühl nonsensical.

what is Clear is, why Zurich would like to be a Game development city. It is a global market that generates about 140 billion francs in the year – and keeps rising rapidly. What is less clear is whether the city is not enough. A survey among young women and men who have founded a Game development company, right skeptical. You all mention the “Ludicious”-Festival, a Networking event, the city of 100’000 francs to be paid. In addition, moving but little. Some have received subsidies from Pro Helvetia, but all of them are of the view that there is a need for more funding for specific projects. Zumbühl area refers to Finland. The greater Helsinki area, a hotbed of Games like “Angry Birds”, is today a global Gaming Hotspot. Also, because a state Fund participates annually with several million Euro to game development, the investment to reduce risk for private lenders. Thus, Finnish companies have traded in the past five years, private risk capital in the amount of 100 million euros.

Zurich is lagging behind

another Problem is, according to Zumbühl, that Start-ups can hardly skilled people from outside Europe do, because the cantonal procedures take a long time, and the quotas, companies like Google go mostly to wholesale. A concrete suggestion for improvement, Philomena Schwab, enjoys with their Stray-Fawn-Studio international attention, and soon the third Game on the market. You wish for more convenient work spaces – “preferably in the Form of a Game-house, where many of the Studios work, and Knowledge exchange”.

The Zurich-based games industry stand at a crossroads, believes Tabea Iseli. The young developer has just founded the company, Stardust. Support by the city could be crucial have for the Survival of those firms, the first successes were recorded. Otherwise, the game developer, trained at the Zurich University of the arts, could be gone soon. Because games can be developed anywhere. The market operates globally, and abroad, the life – and labour costs more attractive. Less mobile, the young Zurich-based architects, representatives of the second fast-growing creative sector of the city. But also you have an urgent suggestion: “The city could help young offices, by competitions rubs increasingly public Architecture exclusive,” says Liliane Haltmeier, 2014 independently. This means that competitions, can participate in all of them. Today would often be invited only established offices or there is a pre-qualification, in the man without references, hardly any chances.

It pointed out recently that the magazine “hochparterre”, after in the Eastern part of Switzerland, the cars of young architects accumulated – on the occasion of the only open project competition of the German part of Switzerland in three months. Martin Zimmerli, with his partners from the office under the microscope just for a school construction excellent, he previously worked with Herzog & de Meuron. He says of the architectural scene in Basel is much more dynamic. “There are various projects that promote young architecture offices – I do not know in Zurich.” Progress would be if the city would forgive the smallest modifications of the external offices. “As a young office, it makes pretty much everything.”


Created: 11.04.2019, 21:59 PM