It is the serious malpractices in the Swedish national Grid, which earlier fell under Ibrahim Baylans of responsibilities, which led to the KU-hearing. It should clarify whether Ibrahim Baylan ”sufficiently acted to prevent the abuses identified in the authority as regards, inter alia, conflict of interest in upphandlingssituationer, any actions in order to influence the outcome of the presidential election in this autumn’s parliamentary elections and the agency’s säkerhetsskyddsarbete.”

Baylan opened the hearing with a ten-minute speech and then received questions from the Conservatives, which signed him to KU.

the Questions focused on the security deficiencies identified by DN:s review.

to the Swedish national grid in their risk and safety analyses is not flagged for the problems that subsequently surfaced.

” We have asked the question time and time again, including by reason of the transport agency, and we have received the answer that ”we are aware of the risks and working with the critical systems with us.” Later, it emerged that there are shortcomings. But all the times the government put the question in respect of Svenska kraftnät’s own business has the answer been the same.

Baylan on the Swedish national grid: ”A lax attitude”

questions from the Centre party said Baylan the same way that he not at any time as the energy minister received information on violations of security protection and, inter alia, by the government’s appropriation directions raised the issue, after the security deficiencies at the Swedish transport agency.

– the Answers we got was that ”We are working actively with this , we have control over all of our sensitive systems”. This is also something that both the former director-general insisted when they heard, here in KU in the past.

if the data to the Swedish national grid expected to increase the price in order to benefit the government in the elections, said Ibrahim Baylan to the director-general provided a different explanation, ”and that it was not his role to evaluate the”.

– As the minister, is it strange for me to put me in how they communicate the business.

He also claimed that the price increases were well-known, since Svenska kraftnät has for many years had not built out and maintained the power grids according to the needs that existed, which led to an accumulation of investment needs.

According to the KU DN’s data, ”so comprehensive that it raises questions not only about the agency’s management, but also about how the authority has been managed and what the responsible minister known of the abuse, write KU on the riksdag’s website ahead of Thursday’s interviews with the current näringslivsministern.

After publiceringarna asked Ibrahim Baylan information about the incident, and called up the director-general to the department, because he did not like the answers he got was ”plenty”.

According to Baylan, then, was the first in the beginning of January, and in conjunction with the DN’s reporting, as he became aware of the problems.

as DN pointed out, and that KU refers to are:

• A high-ranking manager at the authority, shall in the years 2015-2016 to have contributed to a major mission for over a million tapers were given to one of her friends.

• A manager shall, in the autumn of 2018 have hired a former partner and familiar for a major consulting assignments for nearly 700.000 sek. Then she should have deleted a large number of e-mails to avoid disclosure as a public document.

• A larger increase in core network should have been postponed so that the government had the elections to elnätspriserna would drop. That a public authority would act in order to influence the outcome of the presidential election is very serious and would be contrary to the fundamental provisions of the constitution of the objectivity and impartiality of the judiciary, writes KU.

the issues on which the contacts taken place between the responsible minister and the agency’s management.

• Several people should have received access to Svenska kraftnät’s premises and IT systems despite the fact that there has not been a proper background check, despite the fact that it is required for a job to even be able to begin.

”the Swedish national grid has announced the shortcomings related to security legislation in the case as reported in Today’s News, but when a review discovered the other cases which led to that the authority made a notification to the security service.” writes KU.

• the secret service had previously warned the Swedish national grid for security risks.

Svenska kraftnät’s director general may go

Svenska kraftnät’s former director general was interviewed in KU