During the election campaign has prime minister Narendra Modi laid great emphasis on the security and the situation in India is, to say the least tense. A few days ago killed five persons of the maoist combatants who attacked a fordonskonvoj belonging to the BJP, the prime minister Modis hindunationalistiska party. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir and killed two other people in an attack on a hospital.
the Indian forces have for decades been fighting against maoister believed to be active in at least 20 of the country’s 29 states.
and the military will be sent to Chhattisgarh, one of the states where the maoists are reported to be most active. The country’s electoral commission, responsible for organizing the world’s largest democratic elections, with around 900 million voters, says that the attack on Tuesday will not affect the start of the election.
Read more: Terror will help India, the nationalists in the elections
Also, the tensions in the region, Kashmir adds to the uncertainty in the country. In February, killed 40 members of India’s paramilitary security forces in the region. The conflict in Kashmir, a territory shared by India and Pakistan, has been going on for decades and last year was the bloodiest in a long time.
The incumbent prime minister Modi and his BJP won in 2014 by a landslide and now hope for a second term. But the fight is expected to be smooth and even. Huvudutmanaren Rahul Gandhi, who leads Congress, has had a tailwind while Modi himself has dealt with declining poll, mainly as a result of worse employment figures and growing economic disparities.
instead attempted to show the muscles on the security front. In a speech he urged first time voters to give their voice to the military, which carried out an air strike inside Pakistan. The congress party believes that Modi violated electoral rules, which says that political parties should not use the military as propaganda.
A biographical film about the prime minister ahead of the elections banned by the commission. According to indian electoral law requires the approval from the election commission about the days before the election, to publish, for example, movies or advertising, with by content.
the Elections in India last for seven days, which are spread over six weeks.