a court of auditors report, without complaining about, the Federal Ministry of defence. Also in the new interim report, the Bonn-based authority on Wednesday has submitted to the Department by Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) in the center – and comes back not good. Recently, there had been sharp criticism of cost increases in school ship “Gorch Fock”. What weighs in these days even more than it already is: Because of the Leyen, with the support of the Union, wants to screw the defense spending further to the above, while the SPD brakes. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) plans with a lower increase than in previous years, which is why the target – and the Nato partners in the prospect of military expenditure in the amount of 1.5 percent of gross domestic product are at once in the distance.

Three points, especially the court of auditors that wants to correct “mistakes and wasteful behavior” warns, as its President Kay Scheller says. The new frigates without enough crew, the second to excess hand-held radios and, thirdly, old Aviator of the Navy, in which it is not clear whether the modernization is worth it at all. All three points of criticism of the court of auditors, allow an insight into the state of the Bundeswehr, which had a long save, but again, quite a lot of funds available.

Elderly “Orion”

quite expensive is the thing with the eight “old” aircraft type “P-3C Orion”, which had been purchased in 2004 by the Dutch Navy, as they had already twenty years behind. They serve as reconnaissance and U-boat combat, and had to, because they were to be set in a – according to the court of auditors, – “bad state”, once repaired. By the end of 2014, the Ministry of defence spent a billion euros. Now you will be upgraded again to up to 2035 to fly. To cost a further 500 million euros by 2023 to take. But it is now clear that the German army underestimated the effort and the flyer may be later ready for use again. Alone of the exchange, he wings has been delayed significantly. The modernization “will cost significantly more than planned”, is the conclusion of the financial auditor. You quantify the additional cost of 340 million euros. And you recommend, to check how far the modernization is economically in view of the limited use of time by 2035. And the establishment of the defence ministries, to bring the matter up to 2025 on the stage, call the Bonner auditor “blue-eyed”.

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order New frigates

for three billion euros, acquired four frigates of the class 125 can allegedly be used as planned, according to the court a failure of personnel planning. The German army had failed to provide necessary training facilities. Therefore, can now be not enough crews. The frigates will be up to two years in continuous use, every four months the crew to switch – it’s not working now apparently. The Problem in defense was recognized Ministry. The new training center will be ten years too late, to complain about the auditors. The conclusion: “the entire planning of the German armed forces are eligible for the intensive use of the new frigates, as well as increased expenditure on the ships.” The German army has admitted the failure, according to the court, and wants to make it in the procurement of the new multi-purpose combat ship class 180 better.

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Bundeswehr as a training vessel for the Ministry, admits grave errors in the “Gorch Fock”

The Problem with the hand-held radio devices still belongs clearly in the category of waste. In short the German army of 2019 will want to buy taken for a Million Euro 800 of these radios for the System Tetrapol, although she has enough of it, and from 2020 a new radio system want to implement. With this, the Tetrapol devices will not be according to the ECA, but is compatible. Currently, the Bundeswehr has nearly 8000 handheld radios, of which time is equal to about 2500 in case of foreign operations are used, and a few in Germany. 2018 were purchased, since it is a discontinued model, for 4.7 million Euro 3200 devices as the “default reserve”. Already, the court has held to be unnecessary. The additional 800 devices should therefore be omitted. The Ministry of defence maintains, however, that almost all of the devices were actually used in the application or in the IT battalions used (including the court of auditors understands that you are there in the shelves). And you need it even longer, if the introduction of the new system is delayed after 2020. A precaution, which, in turn, the inspectors surprised: it was said in the Bendler-Block, but so far, the introduction of “low-risk”.