The time change from Winter to summer time and Vice versa should be abolished. In the future, throughout the year, the funds should apply to European time. This requires an Initiative that is reviewed by the Federal Chancellery, and on Tuesday in the Federal Gazette and published.

The initiative’s backers have until 9. October, 2020, the for the state required 100’000 signatures. The implementing regulations would need to be set in the year after the adoption.

The initiative Committee of the St. Galler SVP-Nationalrat Lukas Reimann and the Lucerne SVP to sit, among other things, the social Democrat national councillor Yvette Estermann. They had made in the Council several times for the abolition of the time change, but without success. Member of the initiative Committee for the mountain farmer Armin Capaul, author of the Hornkuh Initiative, which has been rejected by 2018. The farmers have always been sceptical about the time change, because the cows suffer particularly under the changed rhythm.

EU goes ahead

Whether it takes a referendum is uncertain. In March, the EU has voted in Parliament for the abolition of the time change. The Plan has the agreement of the member States, could be changed the clocks in October 2021 for the last Time.

The individual countries should be free, whether you want to keep the summer or the winter time. In the EU survey had voted in a large majority for a permanent summer time.


The Swiss Federal Institute for meteorology (Metas) announced after the decision of the EU Parliament, Switzerland will follow the developments in the neighbouring countries and will carefully consider whether any adaptation of the time scheme is reasonable and in the interests of Switzerland.

This corresponds to the existing policy of the Federal government. Although the people had rejected the summer time of 1978, with almost 84 percent of the no, the Federal Council, the time change after a decision by the Parliament in 1981. For the coordination with the neighbouring countries, he led the then economic reasons.

In the grounds of a Motion from the year 2016 Estermann had on the growing dissatisfaction in the population referred to. It was at that time also the high level of support for the abolition of daylight savings time in the EU. In a globalised world, in which people travel by air regularly at switched, was no longer the Argument of the “time island Switzerland” is a valid one.


Created: 10.04.2019, 11:23 PM