“”Paow” Paulina Danielsson”

“Tv-profiles in storbråk during the recording: ”Had riveted her””

“Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson and Mariel Estrella on the infected quarrel”

“Dokusåpadeltagarna smoke together during the filming of ”Secret admirer”.”

“Then became the production had to intervene.”

“– Had not tv-team where I had riveted her, ” says Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson.”

“Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson, 25, is known from ”Paradise hotel”, and Mariel Estrella, 24, known from the ”Are you the one?”, have ended up at loggerheads.”

“It was during the filming of ”Secret admirer” who dokusåpadeltagarna ran into each other at Scandic Anglais in Stockholm, sweden and a huge brawl broke out.”

“When the ”Paradise hotel”-the profile caught sight of Mariel, she became furious and spat on her while she called her ”dirt”.”

“– Had not tv-team where I had riveted her, ” says Paulina ”Paow” Danielsson.”

“”I Was really shocked””

“the Fight took place in the scenes and was caught, therefore, not on film.”

“the Production itself mean that they were compelled to intervene in the context of the quarrel, but Paulina call it an exaggeration. “

“– I screamed at her and she shouted back. Then they said ”sit here and breathe”, kind of thing.”

“Mariel agree with the major part of the description of how the fight went, but believes that she herself has not raised the voice against Paulina. “

” If I had been I had perhaps yelling at her. I lost the grip a little, for I was so incredibly shocked at her behavior, so Malin Gramer comforted me, ” she says.”

“Different views on the background to the quarrel”

“the Background of the infected fraction is a long and complicated history.”

“According to Paulina to Mariel unlawfully living in her apartment while she was out of town. Well where should ”Are you the one?”-the participant, among other things, stealing clothes, and neglected to feed her cat.”

“Mariel admits that she has lived in the apartment, but said that the other allegations are pure lies.”

“– It is not true, and I choose not to comment on the situation further, ” she says.”

“Paulina says that she is now demanding an apology.”

“Mariel seems to be not interested in having any further contact with ”Paradise hotel”-profile.”

” I wish her all the happiness and do not want to have anything to do with her in my life anymore.”