Maria Sid is describing the role of the character is fresh in All the sins series female James Bond.Maria Sid, tell me, what are her and her character Sanna Tervo main differences.

All sins is Elisa entertainment fresh crime drama, where the main part, the central criminal police criminal investigation Sanna Tervoa plays Maria Sid, 50. In a series of seen a sex scene that is startlingly bold.

Sid’s long experience as an actor, so the sex scenes he has in the past starred.

–Requires a certain courage to make that kind of scene, Sid saying the evening paper.

Maria Sid is happy to have their work used throughout the knowledge. Pete Anikari

He asked the director Mika Ronkaiselta , what would be it’s best angle come to the scene, the scene when just happened.

–Sanna always does just as he wishes, and we wondered who do so. Think of James Bond! He’s always just walked in the room and no one questioned the fact that she’s having sex. It’s time to brave it doing. This speaking gives the edge to go situations. The scene is nicely written; If Sanna wants to have sex, he had sex. The sex scene is really well written.

the drama series, script Sid praises of the interview session repeatedly during.

I Cried when I read the script for the first time, it was an empowering experience. It is wonderful to be able to dive like that in the script. It’s great that it was awarded.

in Northern Finland located within the crime drama is created and scripted Merja Aakko along with the award-winning dokumenteistaan known Mika Ronkainen with , which is also directed the series. All the sins you received in January at the Gothenburg film festival of the tv drama in the race for best screenplay for Nordisk Film & TV Fond -prize.

a series of Murders shakes the religious community in North Ostrobothnia, the rescue called Maria Sid’s show by the national bureau of investigation criminal investigation Sanna Tervo, as well as Johannes Holopainen show by the criminal investigation Lauri Räihä. Pete Anikari

Sid is working on his career, much also as a director. At first you might think that an experienced pilot is hard to take as an actor advice against.

in fact, it is just the opposite. Younger I may have questioned the pilot’s solutions. Now I understand better the director’s solutions. It is wonderful to be in the second control!

commute of the two countries between the

Sid works both in Finland and in Sweden, where he lives. Between two countries, between the commute is Sid according to the minutes game.

him in Sweden employs particular pest Stockholm city theatre’s deputy director. In finland, the Sid has already started Queen We Will Rock You -the musical design, which he directs. Premiere musikaalilla is the spring of 2020.

–to be exact, how to share time. It is stimulating and rewarding when you get to use all their skills.

the Two countries work is, of course, differences, even between Finland and Sweden. It is often claimed, how in Finland, in Sweden, we’ll have a meeting.

But when it’s true, Sid says with a laugh.

I myself as the leader sought to unite the Finnish activities of culture that the Swedish discussion culture. The reception has been good!

We toon with the new time

in Sweden #metoo-debate vote weights have been considerably stronger than in Finland.

–#metoo is a new time, the feet hit the ground and say that enough is enough. This is a big turning point in the world. In general all kinds of abuse, whether male or female, has been ordinary. There is even admire someone who treats others poorly, it feels wild!

Before it, which have been treated badly, have been ashamed of. Now the shame is transferred to it, which makes something bad. Them, which is who have been treated badly, has now become a breathing space. It is interesting to see where this development goes.

in Sweden, Sid #metoo appear in everyday work. The city theatre has a very specific provisions, which are carefully reviewed before each project begins.

–it Has been great to follow this development, can only think about how things in this develop. It would be awesome to live to be 300 years old and see what kind of world it is then!

All the sins you have available Elisa entertainment Box program in the library.

”want me to Put your hands in your pocket, a bit like Sanna Tervo doing”. Maria Sid asked photo. Pete Anikari