To their proximity to Russia has left the AfD is little doubt. But the documents, which have been able to analyse the “mirror”, the ZDF, the British channels BBC and the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica”, show for the first time, specifically, how actors in Moscow, the right-wing populists wanted to influence. The research will throw a light on Attempts of the Kremlin to take on political developments in Europe influence.

What allegations there are in practice?

In a strategy paper, which was received in April 2017 in the foreign policy Department of the Russian presidential administration, the possibilities of influence in the countries of the EU are discussed, including the Organisation of rallies, media campaigns, as well as the networking of right-wing populist and extreme-right parties in Europe. It’s a question of how Russian interests, particularly an end to the sanctions, let the best prevail.

A separate Chapter is dedicated to the upcoming Federal election. The authors have Maier selected, apparently, a candidate whose chances of Election, you have to assess as high, and the already intensive contacts to Russia cares: the former leader of the “young Alternative”, Markus Happy. The authors recommend seem to support him so he can later represented in the Bundestag Moscow’s interests: “He will be under the absolute control of the standing Deputy in the Bundestag.”

Controversial, this Letter is in connection with a second document: In the strategy paper, a concept is announced, glad maiers for the election campaign. In fact, someone created in the following week, in unhealthy English with a “plan of action” and called for support for glad Maier’s election campaign.

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where are the documents?

The media that published this story, received numerous internal documents from the Moscow power structure of the research centre “Dossier”, which is funded by the Putin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The Mail, in the Annex to the strategy document was sent, came from the employees of state Duma deputies. The author will used to be within the Navy for the Soviet secret service KGB. On demand of the ZDF, he was confirmed to have the Mail written to. The strategy paper he had forwarded.

The second is for the case, glad Maier important document is not from Khodorkovsky’s Researchers, but from a different source: The “action plan” was leaked to the BBC in 2017, a staff member of a European secret service. From the meta data of the Word file shows that the ultra-right journalist Manuel was written Ochsenreiter, who was at that time closely with glad Maier in contact. The Polish Prosecutor accuses ochsenreiter, to have a fire attack in the Ukraine funded.

Maintains intensive contacts to Russia: The AfD Deputy Markus glad Maier photograph: Anton Novoderezhkin/imago images / ITAR-TASS

what is the reaction of the AfD to the revelations?

The AfD strives to be the Russian influence on the party as a “mumble-jumble” to dismiss. Glad to Maier himself calls the accusations “crazy,” he doubts the authenticity of the documents, and denies that the grants from the Russian side. Also party leader Alexander Gauland stresses that it is nothing proven. Who is taking the speculation at face value, outsmart vicious.

last Friday, Gauland was completely out of control, as the FDP Deputy Konstantin Kuhle of the AfD flung: “you are but, in truth, Putin is closer to you than the basic law!” Since Gauland cried with a red face: “do you believe the Russian secret service! You believe!“ The group Manager of the AfD, Bernd Baumann, exclaimed, “this is The Worst from the Worst.” At the end of Parliament’s Vice-President Petra Pau had to call, sit down and concentrate on the debate.

What are the other Russia contacts the AfD?

glad Maier is not the Only one from AfD, always wants to be close to Russia. Gauland met as early as 2015 together with him and the today’s Brandenburg AfD-Chef Andreas Kalbitz the anti-Western ideologist Alexander Dugin. A popular destination for AfD-politician, the “Yalta International Economic Forum”, an economic conference, held in 2015 on the Russian-annexed Crimea. Caused a stir also that in the spring of 2017, several AfD politicians, including Ex-Head Frauke Petry, after a visit to Moscow in a private jet flying back. The flight had been paid for out of Russia.

again and again the AfD-politician as “election observers” to the guest, in order to legitimize controversial votes. The AfD-politician Gunnar Lindemann, sitting in the Berlin house of representatives, now has a travel ban in the Ukraine, because he was as “election observers” in the separatists-controlled areas. And as Recently, the Reporter Billy Six, who writes for the rights of publications such as “Junge Freiheit”, in Venezuela, in and out of jail, wants to have the AfD Deputy Petr Bystron, when Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for his release. The list of Russia-affine AfD-politician is long – much to the delight of the Kremlin.

What are the objectives of Moscow pursuing with such contacts?

for years, it is observed that the Kremlin, the networking of actors with the right-wing populist parties in Europe. This ranges from invitations to conferences, participation in those dubious election observer missions to official cooperation agreements, as they concluded, the Austrian FPÖ and the Kremlin party “United Russia”. In the Russian state media, in Europe, in English and in the German language, dissemination, politicians of right-wing parties on a regular basis.

the Kremlin’s anti strengthens European forces that oppose drastic action against governments of their countries, and tried to contribute to a division of Europe. At the same time, Europe represented right-wing populists are decidedly Pro-Russian positions. The AfD makes since their entry into the Bundestag for an end to the EU sanctions against Russia. In addition, the contacts of Europe’s right-wing populists for the Kremlin are useful when it comes to their own legitimacy – whether it be as an “observer” in the re-election of Vladimir Putin, or as a supporter of Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

How big is the danger of a Russian influence on the elections to the European Parliament?

The warning from Estonia, was clear: “The Kremlin will probably try, in the elections to the European Parliament to interfere in order to secure as many seats as possible for Pro-Russian or Euro-sceptical political forces”, – stated in a report by the Estonian foreign intelligence service, was published a few weeks ago. Moscow will likely to focus on the big EU States Germany, France and Italy, because that’s where most of the mandates are awarded to – and because there are parties that supported the policy of the Kremlin clear.

in the past, the Kremlin, have used the politicians of the AfD for its purposes, so the evaluation of the Estonian intelligence agent. “Russia is supporting its allies through the media under Russian control, organized high-level Meetings and visits, to arouse the attention of the media, provides, if necessary, covert financial support, discredit opponents (by internal information leaked to be stolen), and deliberately spreads false information in social media.”

Attempts to influence Western politics, however, are not limited to election times and also not on right-wing populist parties. “The long-term support of the Kremlin for traditional parties deserves as much attention and is just as dangerous as the support for edge groups”, says the Lithuanian foreign policy expert Marius Laurinavicius in a study of Russian influence.

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criticism of AfD’s Deputy CDU-top-of-the Markus sets glad Maier retreat close

It is no coincidence that these notes come from the Baltic States. In Germany, such warnings were not taken seriously, and criticized a Diplomat from an EU country.