On Saturday night, did the British prime minister, Theresa May, a new attempt to convince the house to support the utträdesavtalet with the EU. According to May, there is an increased risk of Brexit can ”slip between your fingers”, writes the Guardian.

“Because parliament has made it clear that it will stop the Uk from leaving the EU without an agreement, we are now at a critical crossroads: either leave the union with a contract or not leave at all,” she said.

The conservative mp Nigel Evans says that the prime minister can count on with tough requirements to resign in a matter of weeks, if she fails to secure Brexit and instead produces a long delay of the EU-exit.

– currently there is a focus on delivering Brexit, but if a long delay becomes a reality, I believe that the votes which requires that the prime minister should away be developed to a cacophony, ” says Nigel Evans.

Theresa May, the EU for permission to delay the exit from the union to the 30 June, an extension which may mean that Britain must participate in EUROPEAN elections. Mays request can be approved on Wednesday in connection with the extraordinary EU summit.

According to Nigel Evans, both he and many other conservatives would rather the Uk leave the EU at the world trade organisation’s terms and conditions, than a ”humiliating” long extension which is forcing the country to participate in the EUROPEAN elections.

– Over 170 conservative members of parliament, including cabinet ministers, signed a letter to the prime minister last week, and urged her to ensure that the Uk does not participate in the elections to the european Parliament. To make it will not end well, ” says Nigel Evans.

Nigel Evans is one of the ministers who on Wednesday resigned in protest against Theresa May initiated talks with the opposition, in order to reach a common solution. Theresa May responded to the criticism of the collaboration on Saturday night.

“the Referendum was not carried out on the basis of parties and people I talk with tell me that they expect their politicians to work together when the national interest requires it,” she said.

the time it takes to find a compromise with the opposition, the less likely it is that the Uk will leave the EU, writes Reuters.

According to the plan presented by the other EU countries at a summit meeting now has the united kingdom up to april 12, to ”define the further direction” for their brexitplaner and get a possible extension for brexit approved. Otherwise it crashes the country avtalslöst out of the union.