“”The greatest of all” raises class hatred”

“Tv series shows a Sweden with grotesque divisions based on class”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“At the weekend, had the ”Greatest of all” premiered on Netflix. Strömningstjänstens first tv-series in Swedish, is based on Malin Persson Giolitos succéroman with the same name. Even if we are many who have read the heart-stopping thriller about a skolskjutning at Djursholms general upper secondary school in Stockholm it is a great experience to see the story filmed.”

“the Environments, the people, the power. “

“The grotesque klassklyftorna who have grown up in Sweden has rarely been so blatant as this. ”The greatest of all” could not even have been done 20 years ago, it had not been credible.”

“the Future directors and leaders.”

“The brackiga families in the TV4 series ”the Sunny side” appears to be clean medelsvenssons compared with the samhällselit living in Djursholm huge patriciervillor with its own boat jetty, swimming pool and servants who see to it that the homes are kept spotless on the surface. “

“the students carry expensive handbags, take a sports car to school, chasing at your leisure, and travel with the family on shoppinghelg to London. In the school auditorium gives a nobel laureate in economics an exclusive lecture on capitalism. And the one that is black are drug dealers.nSå raised even one generation of directors and leaders. Society’s real influerare.”

“But the ”Greatest of all” is also about a ghoulish skolskjutning, drugs and mental illness. Behind this discreet charm is unloving parents, the decomposition performance and a rotten humanity.”

“the Society that has run amok,”

“the Story is fiction but one reason that it has got so a large impact is probably that many people have the thought that it is compelling. Sweden has, unfortunately, experienced a horrific earthquake and the problems with drugs and mental illness is a growing problem among young people. According to a report from the Crime prevention council from 2018 knarkar boys and girls in Danderyd, sweden, where Seattle is located, the most in the entire Stockholm county. The drugs are sold by young people in vulnerable suburbs where drugs fuel gang wars.nSkillnaden in life expectancy between highly trained in Danderyd and a low in the Vårby gård on the other side of Stockholm, is today 18 years old.”

“It’s about the differences you saw between Eastern and Western europe in the 1980s.nthis international organisation, the OECD has also recently once again pointed out that the inequality in schools is one of the biggest challenges in Sweden. Class background and place of residence is not passed through directly.n”the Greatest of all” is not just scary for the horrific school shooting, but because it portrays a Sweden where klassklyftorna has run amok. Responsible politicians should look and learn.”