the Text has been added to a correction. The quote from Netanyahu consisted of two separate statements, which is not shown. Now reprinted only the statement that he made in the video.

despite the fact that the forecasts yesterday, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu the way he sent on Sunday desperate alarms to nationalistväljarna:

” We’re losing power. Unless our electorate wakes up we will get a left government, he warned in a video that was put out in social media.

It is the Netanyahu message to the followers. What is the meaning of this played the pessimism?

four years ago, Netanyahu scare a couple of hundred thousand nationalistväljare to abandon their small extremist parties and vote for his Likud. They did not, explained the prime minister, would Labour be the largest party and its leader would be given the mandate to form a government. He is now trying the same tactics, not to be able to form a government – few doubt that he gets the job – but, in order to obtain arguments in the face of the korruptionsåtal that are ahead for him. If Likud becomes the largest party, he will argue, it is unfair that the ”people’s choice” fade away by the courts and prosecutors.

Right now it’s a dead heat between the Netanyahu Likud and leader of the new middle the ”Blue and white”, the former commander-in-chief Benny Gantz. The right and tillbakadragne general has been dragged in the gutter of the Likuds propagandists for a sluggerbetonad election campaign. He has been accused of being in the hands of the Iranian intelligence services, for having deceived his wife, to have drawn for a schoolmate when he was fourteen and to have made the fiasco as a business executive after he left the army. All the assertions except the last seems to be missing a foundation, but it is a measure of the Netanyahu skill that is Gantz, not the mutmisstänkte the prime minister, who got the rapier.

bring a few more seats than Netanyahu, so are his prospects to form a government minimal. His only chance is to Netanyahu’s traditional coalition partners among the small parties as well fall below 3,25% threshold and their votes will go to waste. No less than five of such parties is at risk.

Netanyahu vowed at the weekend to initiate the annexation of the west bank after the elections. He’s referring to the so-called area C, which forms 61 percent of the west bank. Where are most of the israeli settlements and the large emigration of palestinians from there has transformed them into a minority. Netanyahu has also told you that he said to president Donald Trump that no settlers will be evacuated, whatever is in AMERICA’s promised ”peace plan”.

Netanyahu has made his as the prime minister of Israel

Netanyahu wants to advance on the west bank: ”To expand Israel’s sovereignty”

Despite the threat of prosecution – Benjamin Netanyahu looks like a winner