in The end, it was not a defeat, but a slap in the face. The Bundestag rejected it on Thursday, also at the sixth attempt within 18 months, to choose a politician or a politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Deputy President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). Mariana Harder-Kühnel, a moderate force 44-year-old attorney from the state of Hesse, received in a secret ballot without party discipline, only 199 votes. 423 deputies rejected the choice.

“A Declaration of war”

The my AfD reacted angrily to the result and left the closed session. Undignified, shameful, a “Declaration of war” was the dealings of the Parliament with its largest opposition party, said. The old parties refused to allow the AfD simply their democratic rights. After a crisis meeting, party leader Alexander Gauland announced that the AfD will propose from now on every week a new candidate or a new candidate for election. She didn’t want to hinder not only the work of the Parliament, but also durable against their exclusion demonstrate. Moreover, to check whether the current Situation is at all legally, and reserve a lawsuit.

Since 1994, the rules of procedure of the Federal government defines the tags that each group is entitled to at least one Deputy President. However, the Parliament is not obligated to choose any candidate. In 2005, the Bundestag rejected it four times to choose the former Director of the PDS, Lothar Bisky, to the Vice. As a result, cooperation with the state security service of the GDR was called. To Biskys has not been elected a few months later a party colleague, Petra Pau, in the office, to which there was appropriate reservations.

The President of the Bundestag and his Vice slowing mainly the sessions of the house and call members to order if they violate rules. Most often, the AfD will be reprimanded.

The third collection for Harder-Kühnel

Harder-Kühnel was the second candidate of the AfD, before the election in the autumn of 2017, the 77-year-old Albrecht Glaser had been rejected in the weeks after the Bundestag three times. Also for Harder-Kühnel, it was now the third collection. The first two times you had with 223 or 241 significantly more votes than this time.

Glaser was rejected by the other parties, especially with the justification that he’s questioning the freedom of religion of Muslims, and not, therefore, an important question on the ground of the German Constitution. Against Harder-Kühnel, no comparable criticism was. The Catholic-conservative family of a politician and the mother of three children agitated against abortion and “early sexualisation” at the school, but nationalistic, ethnic, or racial tones are not known. As a lawyer she had also distances itself from Glaser’s fundamentalist criticism of Islam is unambiguous. Has not used it.

No votes for “Nazis”

social Democrats, greens and the Left have argued on Thursday that they would choose due to the progressive radicalization of the party, in principle, no AfD politician to take the chair, or in a different office. As Democrats, it is not going to keep the “stirrup” for the Right-wing fascists and “Nazis” socially acceptable “to make”, it said.

Against hatred and baiting of the AfD helped only ongoing battle and long-lasting exclusion. That this attitude is to restrict the parliamentary rights of participation of the third largest party, which was also chosen undoubtedly democratic, took care of the deputies, obviously.

in the light of the election result, too many of the members of the Union and the FDP have agreed with this opinion, and Harder-Kühnel have failed your voice. You resist prominent Calls from within its own ranks to: Union group leader Ralph brinkhaus and FDP chief Christian Lindner had campaigned for a choice of the AfD candidate. They wanted to escape the party finally has the opportunity, in the Bundestag permanently as a victim of the other parties, therefore, as the only Opposition.

Lindner said the Bundestag would also think that a personality like Harder-Kühnel. “The political culture is strong enough for it.” This view, with only about 100 other members of the 700-member Parliament were apparently in addition to the AfD.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.04.2019, 20:07 PM