“Is excluded for a Palestinian state?”, was Benny Gantz asked at a campaign event this week in Tel Aviv. The Challenger of Israel’s Premier Benjamin Netanyahu repeated: “We must preserve the Jordan valley as our Eastern security border, we can’t retreat behind the lines of 1967. We must maintain the settlement blocs, and Jerusalem will forever remain the United capital of Israel.” The word two-state solution, he is not in the mouth, it is also in the program of his blue-and-white took Alliance.

in 1967, had been conquered by Israel in the six day war, the Gaza strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank, with East Jerusalem from Jordan and the Golan heights from Syria. According to Palestinian notions of a state in the West Bank and the Gaza strip, the so-called Green Line constitute the boundary.

“Not a state”

But according to the plans of Gantz and the blue-and-white Alliance, East Jerusalem and part of the 400,000 settlers in areas inhabited would belong in the West of the occupied West Bank next to Israel. The Jordan valley in the East would control Israel.

we moved to a one-state-solution Gantz at the event in Tel Aviv: “We do not want to govern the Palestinians. We do not want a Binational state.” But in and of himself he speaks in front of the election on may 9. April, the topic of One – or two-state solution.

Netanyahu, the leading candidate of the right-wing nationalist Likud, only if he is asked. An Israeli Druse wanted to know from Netanyahu at the Likud-TV whether he was after the adoption of the nation-state law which defines Israel as a Jewish state, yet equal citizens. Netanyahu assured that “there are equal rights for all”. “But the Arabs do not have round 22 States, the need another state.”

enlarge map

Immediately prior to the elections in 2015, had expressed to Netanyahu clearer: “There will be no Palestinian state. Anyone who withdraws from the territories, the radical Islam is a launch pad for attacks on Israel.” The last Time that Netanyahu was publicly known to be a two-state solution, was 2016. At the time, he assured that the government consider “the agreed goal of two States for two Nations”. But at the time, Barack Obama was US President. His successor, Donald Trump announced to one and a half weeks, the recognition of the Golan heights as part of Israel.

A recent survey commissioned by the left-liberal daily newspaper “Haaretz” shows that a majority of Israelis in favour of further annexations. 42Prozent support at least partial annexation of the West Bank. Also among the supporters of the blue-and-white Alliance or the left parties to this action. 25 years after the conclusion of the Oslo agreements, the creation of a Palestinian state had the goal of support only 34Prozent a two-state solution. 19Prozent are for a one-state-solution. The share of Arab Israelis make up around 17.5 percent.

“your true face”

one of the vehement supporters of a one-state-solution Awad Abdel Fattah. The former Secretary-General of the left, of the Arab Balad party, which competes in the election this time, with the United Arab list, is the coordinator of the “campaign for a democratic state”. Be a role model: South Africa after the dissolution of Apartheid. The nation-state law will show: “Israel declared itself as an apartheid state.”

With about 120 like-minded Israelis, Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank and in exile he worked on his goal of creating a single state. The project will certainly be achieved after this election, but the “first in ten, fifteen years”. Currently, Israeli politicians showed “her true face,” he says.

“Israel is the national state of the Jewish people, exclusively.”Benjamin Netanyahu on Instagram

firstly, what is meant is Netanyahu, the Israeli Model-Rotem Sela on Instagram on a to the General public question asked, what was the Problem with the Arab Israelis, personally, replied: “According to the nation-state law that we have adopted, is Israel the national state of the Jewish people, exclusively.” So he has met with many Arab Israelis in front of the head, which hardly belong to the Likud voters. Its competitor Gantz has in mind with his statement, he koaliere not with the Arab parties, but also for disappointment with Arab voters.

it has Also been resolved by internal dispute, the four Arab parties Joint list in the last elections is the third strongest force. Many Arab Israelis, or Druze from frustration go this time, not for the election, would benefit Netanyahu.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.04.2019, 19:50 PM