What is an algorithm?

When I lose myself in the Wikipedia description is brought back dormant memories from high school mattelektioner. I had a superb teacher. One of the best I’ve had. I don’t know if he was a reserve officer, but he had the appearance. Accurate to the core. He spoke dalarna accent, and every sentence was concluded with a distinctive small moans, which after a årtag.

Enough, he talked about algorithms?

”An algorithm is in mathematics and computer science a limited set of well-defined instructions for solving a task, from the given utgångstillstånd within a finite number of steps reaches a final states.”

now, either. For us happy kill – and tjejgissare is ”algorithms” by a malevolent function that maps our behavior on the network, and then they sell the data to the slemma advertisers.

spoken frequently with disgust, the arma algorithms. That is, if one has understood, their failure to strömningstjänsterna constantly breathing down us in the back of the neck and say: I noted that you checked on the X-series and listened to the song Y. Then you should also like… etc.

Read more by and about Bengt Ohlsson ”

And it is uncomfortable. It feels as if someone had been sitting hidden in a printed circuit board behind the touch screen and took notes while the man had his attention elsewhere. Algoritmernas proposal raises a childish spite. ”So damn…”, one thinks instinctively.

And yet: what embarrassing often they are right.

I have listened to, over and over again, and when I recall how we met is it to track an infatuation. All the coincidences clicked. How I happened to hear something on Spotify, clicked on ”go to radio”, and there he was: an ugly dude in a cowboy hat that I had never heard of, but now, he was my best friend.

When the year was new sent Spotify a playlist of my most mangled songs in the last year, and it did not a few surprises.

But another playlist called ”Tastebreakers”.

The more fingerfärdiga and spot the algorithms will be to tailor exactly what we like, the more boring it becomes. I have already started to notice the signs.

I thought immediately that the algorithms had beaten the creative knot in themselves and put together a list of music that I should detest.

I was fire and flame. Wanted fall the algorithms on the neck. Was strangely flattered. So you have put together an on the contrary-the list? My musiksmaks nemesis? How evocative sound isn’t it?

quite so exciting. ”Tastebreakers contains fifty songs Spotify believe that you might like, from genres and artists that you don’t usually listen to”, said the company.

But my misconception put the imagination in motion. And I am increasingly convinced that this is the future. For the more fingerfärdiga and spot the algorithms will be to tailor exactly what we like, the more boring it becomes. I have already started to notice the signs. Long runs down the continent when I realize that my super-duper, very-best-of playlist starting to disgust me, and I push past one masterpiece after the other.

Read more by Bengt Ohlsson: ”I can’t be bothered with that the men charged emotions”

of Course, grows the curiosity of what I may have missed, when I algoritmernas fit assistance thrown together the perfect playlist. There is something andefattigare than perfection?

I’m sure: algoritmernas reverse vaskande, after all that, we’ll be sure to hate, is going to be a gold mine.

it will be with the robots. Most of us shudder at the thought of sharing a bed and life with a boy – or flickvänsrobot, which is likely because we see something soulless in front of us; a creature with a monotone voice, agree with everything we say and meets all of our desires.

But read Yuval Noah Hararis latest teknikfradgande’s epic ”Homo Deus”, and you realize that the algorithms will soon get the hang of a good robot, of course, also need to pull the started a quarrel with the regular intervals. And then they start programming them: a idiotgräl, feel free to come out of a vinblarigt misunderstanding, and so the occasional quarrels of the ”deeper”, sorgsnare variety. (It feels like you’re not really here anymore…)

And so on. Fine-tuning after fine-tuning. Before you know it, the dreadful day when you have difficult to distinguish your robot from any of your carnal ex.