The First who responded to the EU on the new development in the Brexit-Drama, was a great-grandson, Donald Tusk. “Let us be patient,” tweeted the former Polish head of government on Tuesday evening in view of the announcement by the British Prime Minister Theresa May, together with the Labour Opposition a way out of the Brexit-mess.

For the EU, the question of whether you should get involved in the proposal Mays first, the Brexit-the deadline yet another Time, up to a maximum of 22. To extend may. The following day, the Europe election, and after the presentation of the Prime Minister the EU should be brought to the exit in good time on the stage.

That the EU is willing to grant, the British head of government, where appropriate, a further short extension of time, made President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday before the European Parliament in Brussels. If the agree with the lower house in the next few days, the exit agreement, then a shift up to 22. May, conceivable, announced the Luxembourg. Juncker recalled that of the 12. April is the final deadline for approval of the lower house to exit the contract.

The EU Commission-in-chief made while on the one hand, clear that the authorities in Brussels are, for the currently increasingly likely coming scenario of No Deal on the 12. April was prepared. On the other hand, he wanted to put together with the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, to a regulated withdrawal of Britain from the EU, he added.

Brok pulls “a sensible, fast solution”

The Brexit Officer of the conservative EPP group, Elmar Brok (CDU), spoke out in the debate in the European Parliament for an immediate end to the Brexit-Gezerres. While thinking in the EU over a longer displacement of the Leaving period up to a maximum of 2020, in order to give the British, for example, time for a second Referendum or new elections. “I would prefer, however, that we have a sensible, fast solution,” said Brok.

According to EU diplomats there are only three options in the Brexit-Drama. First, it could continue on 12. April can not come to a No-Deal-Brexit, unless the United Kingdom decides to then different. Secondly, May could extension, with a positive vote of the lower house to exit the contract in the bag, at the EU special summit to be held next Wednesday to 22. May apply for. The additional time could then be used to in the UK, the ratification of the Brexit-the accompanying complete laws. And thirdly, there May remain the Option of a long extension up to 31. December 2019, or until 31. To apply for March 2020.

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In this case, the remaining 27 EU countries would agree to the information, according to a long-term extension only if May Europe organizes elections in your country. In addition, the UK should be included in this scenario, all future decisions of the voice – in particular, in the case of the decision on the Juncker succession or in the case of decisions on the next EU financial period between 2021 and 2027.