Guaidós protection from prosecution is lifted. The measure was the National Constitutional Assembly, composed of Pro-government deputies. A arrest threatens the self-appointed interim President. Brakes he does not want to be. the

In the ongoing power struggle between the government and the Opposition in Venezuela has withdrawn from the constituent Assembly of the self-appointed interim President, Juan Guaidó parliamentary immunity. The Chairman of the Pro-government Assembly, Diosdado Cabello informed. The protection from prosecution is lifted, so that a possible indictment against Guaidó closer.

Against the leader of the opposition are already two investigations. Last exercise, he was also a political office for 15 years.

According to representatives of the leadership of the socialist head of state, Nicolás Maduro, is being investigated for alleged incitement to violence against the government and the acceptance of illegal funds. The constituent Assembly was convened in 2017 of Maduro. Now the Top judge of the country, is regarded as a ally of Maduro had urged to the measure against Guaidó.

the decision Guaidó fighters responded. “This will not stop me,” he said on Tuesday in front of his followers. “We know the risk, but we will not stray from the path.” He called on his followers for the coming days, to further protests against the government. “We are fighting against a dictatorship that kills, kidnaps and tortures,” said Guaidó. “We are the majority and we are going to show on the road.”

Guaidó seeks to unseat Maduro. He had at 23. January, the transitional President stated, and Maduro’s legitimacy denied. The Chairman of the Opposition-controlled Parliament, demanding the resignation Maduro, the establishment of a transitional government and the calling of free elections.

Numerous countries, including the United States and Germany, have recognized Guaidó already as the rightful interim President. Russia, China and Cuba, however, support continues to Maduro. Also, the powerful military is holding him up to now, the Faithful.