to wear

Linkedin : Not in the mood, the skin market

For the past 14 years, I like to use social media – but in the case of professional networks, the Fun stops. Because Social Media should be the one for me always: Fun. At least in the casual – but on Linkedin, I’m forced to, my professional life unnecessarily extend in the spare time.

I’ve tried: First, Xing, and later on with Linkedin. Meanwhile, I have deleted my Xing-account, although I would have worried a Headhunter there, once for nearly a appealing-sounding Social-Media-Job in Central Switzerland. Linkedin I deal with step-mothers: contact requests from complete strangers, I suppose reluctantly, but ultimately, resignation. Might be a valuable contact. If I have the Timeline scroll, I see a lot of self-marketing, as capitalism requires from the individual.

Because I’m not. Self-presentation takes place at me on Instagram: “Look how far I’ve walked!” – “I don’t have the most beautiful head of foam on my beer?” No offense, dear Linkedin contacts: are you sure all great people, but when one’s self-to-market-am I out of it. (mmo)

Whatsapp : success, thanks to the exchange lazy

for the first Time showed me in 2010, a colleague of Whatsapp, I thought it might be a Scam. An App for one, two francs promises to provide Free SMS? That sounded pretty suspicious.

As we know today, it was not a Scam. After all the friends and Acquaintances showed up in the Whatsapp contacts. The App grew and grew and was finally weggekauft of Facebook for about $ 20 billion. Even I have lost all enthusiasm for it and am amazed every day how the App at the top can keep. It is only minimally better than SMS, and has evolved only minimally. Photos can be send since 2009, and group chats are already available since 2011.

The App would have to be much better. But it is always paired to a phone number that is running in the first Line on a cell phone, and chatting on new mobile phones is cumbersome. Yes, Whatsapp is neither the most convenient nor safest Messenger. It is simply the largest with the most contacts. How can we all so lazy and satisfied with the minimum the better SMS service is a mystery to me. Not to mention privacy concerns. (show)

Slack: Where to go in, is the code word?

If I don’t understand a Hype, then those to Slack. While IT professionals and in-house cheer futurists of the digital workplace of the future, I see as just another Messenger. A little cleaner and office screens-optimized Skype or Whatsapp. But certainly not the salvation for E-Mail and telephone-plagued office lists.

The lack of understanding starts with the vermurksten the registration process. In the past it was completely incomprehensible. Today, he is still much too cumbersome. Instead of user name and password, you have to know a password for a Workspace or channel register. As the service would be one of these trendy secret bars, where one comes only by a code word.

if you Would like to register by E-Mail, you get a magic “E-Mail” sent to you, you have to click on it. Registration processes are a solved Problem. Why Slack instead it uses these Chrüsimüsi is a mystery to me, and horror at the same time. It has managed, despite these obstacles, quickly sobering up. Truly revolutionary is nothing there. Except for the Slack Bot maybe. But what of the power? (show)

stories: Tempted to exhibitionism

Snapchat this App, which nobody understands. At least, none that is born after the year 2000. This is completely okay: Each Generation is allowed to Express themselves digitally, how it pleases her.

Not in order, however, is that many other abkupferten the story function, one of the standout Snapchat functions. There are now also at Facebook and Instagram. In the last year, it was harassed even in to Skype with the call, but to fabricate such stories.

But what should be the purpose? Such a Story is a kind of multi-media diary. This would be the really close friends interesting. But you want to stock up on his business contacts and acquaintances with Reports of family parties, or the häfeli training of the young?

Social networks should educate the users to discuss decent about important issues. Instead, you will be enticed with the stories to sign up exhibitionist, to celebrate the mundane and far too many personal things. Does Facebook with the promise, the stories would disappear after 24 hours. But someone really believes that? (gunfire)

Blockchain: Ignorant of the future

do you Remember the Moment in which Neo, super hero-in-waiting in the Sci-Fi classic “The Matrix”, for the first Time, the Matrix looks? This poison green letters and Numbers, the trickle across the screen? That’s the way I feel, if someone from the Blockchain speaks. For me, the hocus pocus is from the future or, at least, from a parallel universe – and believe me, I’ve tried it.

But could give a @ Youtube explanatory video me a deep understanding of how the Blockchain will work. If you look at the violent price fluctuations, with colleagues frotzeln, now you should definitely invest in Bitcoin, turn in my final everything.

Not better the Blockchain advocates, are often just too nerdy to make it (that’s a lovable trait), but even for the Largest hold – true-to-Bitcoin-Bros.

How can you tell that I really understand anything from the topic? I’m not even sure how the Blockchain and Bitcoin are intertwined. But you know what? That’s okay. Because I’ve decided – in contrast to Neo – the blue pill. (mmo)

Reddit : teasing little macrocosm of the Internet

Reddit calls itself the “front page of the Internet”. The “Washington Post” has called the platform “the Plankton of the digital Ecosystem”: It is the half of the World-Wide-Web feeds, with its stories, its Memes and its findings. In the case of Reddit, the whole world will be discussed. And here, the Internet separates the community wheat from the chaff and promotes the Trends and Hypes to the surface.

And Yes – I’ve tried to love Reddit, and to understand. But it seems that we come together. As a Journalist, I’m all for clarity and intelligibility. Reddit does the opposite: This bustling macrocosm celebrated the inaccessibility, the Insider Slang, and the Chaos. Not wrongly, I think – because it is impregnated attempts the platform against Exploitation: marketing people are just as helpless as I have no Chance with purchased messages to the Community.

And as it seems, don’t like me on Reddit. Every Time I’ve posted, full of enthusiasm, was ignored either. Or after a couple of hours deleted, because I had missed some unwritten rule. (gunfire)

Instagram: Everything is apparent, nothing is to Be

I don’t understand Instagram. This means: The basic idea is to me: You take a photo, add softness to it with a Filter, released it and is happy, if the image is pleasing to others.

But that is not what makes Instagram today. The platform has become the field of Influencers. The are beautiful people who think they are important enough to celebrate your life-style as desirable for the whole of humanity. I don’t understand the allure of the Superficial? Or my lack of understanding is a sign that the time for us digital immigrants?

no. Instagram unites all the social media hate: A better generic algorithm that prioritizes posts by opaque criteria know. The platform is a field day for people who don’t deserve attention, but with violence, tear. A senseless Verhashtaggung of the world – everything is reduced to a few buzzwords, and nothing has only a relevance for real life. (gunfire)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 02.04.2019, 22:31 PM