“Fancy a motorhome, why not a plåtis?”

“the Interest in homes is constantly increasing. nInte at least for smaller campers – ”plåtisar”. nEn neater and cheaper with many advantages.”

“– There has been a jätteförändring in the setting to plåtisar the past four years. Which, in turn, has meant a huge increase in sales of smaller mobile homes. And the trend continues, ” says Lars Jarlerud, agent in Scandinavia for the French Pilote, and with 40 years of experience in the industry.”

“Plåtis called a smaller version of the camper. Usually less than 6 meters and with a weight of around 3.5 tonnes. For the most part equipped with an openable double door to the rear, passagerardörrar on both sides and a sliding door on the right side. A larger plåtis also has space for a kitchen and a functional toilet.”

“the Reason for the increased interest for smaller camper?”

” We want to take us forward. Drive into the central cities and park on the square in Berlin, for example. You will not enter in many cities with 7-9 meters large cars, and many realize that plåtisen also is a good second car. The cars have evolved a lot inside the recent years, ” notes Lars Jarlerud as yourself switching from 9 metres to a plåtis of 6.3 metres in the cards.”

“Mobility is a critical factor to plåtisen become popular. It is easy to maneuver in tight alleys and on narrow roads. On the continent stands plåtisarna for 30 per cent of the motorhomes. Often a bit more affordable than a big campervan and with shorter delivery times. “

“– We see a jätteintresse for plåtisarna, primarily from searches of new motorhomes of popular brands, ” says Patrik Larsson, PR and communications officer at Camper.see.”

“That it is less than six metres need not affect so much on the comfort. Life can be likened to compact living. “

“– Plåtisen has become a popular residence for, among other things, families with children who go away to competitions over the weekend that require 1-2 overnight stays, ” says Patrik Larsson. “

“a Further reason for the increased popularity is that it is not required C license. It is enough with driving license (B) – contrary to the larger – at least if you have taken the driver’s license after July 1, 1996.”

“– Are you interested in a plåtis is a smart way to hire for a few days and create a private feeling, ” concludes Patrik Larsson on the Camper.see.”

“There are a lot of small motorhomes on the market. Least of all is said to the low-profile motorhome Hymer Van 314. “

“Despite the fact that it is only just over 2 metres wide and about 5.5 metres long has the place for two to three people. And with a kitchen, a bathroom and a shower.”