When the study begins in the year 2000 is 19.300 persons, 2016 live 16.200 left in the Stockholm region. Then, the 41 per cent of women and 27 per cent of men achieved at least a three-year post-secondary education.

– There is a problem in itself, that the men do not hang with the women during the training. But when it comes to income when the women start working they draw no advantage of it. Women with secondary education earn less than men without upper secondary education, it is disappointing, ” says Per Bark.

highly educated women have lower incomes than men, also in gainful employment in occupations with the same level of qualification. In the whole group, women have an average of approximately 90,000 sek lower in annual income, even when taking into account other background factors like educational level, socio-economic background as well as sickness and activity compensation.

Women without upper secondary education proves to be the most difficult to enter the labour market. At 31 years of age have a 33% is still not achieved the levels of income required to be considered to be inträdd in the labour market, while the corresponding proportion for men is 20 per cent.

from work for women who lacked a high school education was at 31 years of age price: from 109.000 € per annum. For men without upper secondary education was the income at the same age more than twice as high, 271.000 dollars.

When men fail with education there is always something that catches them up, men do as a group.

– When men fail with education there is always something that catches them up, men do as a group. Women can not maintain the advantage they have during the training – it is worrying, we are not talking about older people, but about the new generation. Women who fail the high school will be completely outside, ” says Per Bark.

In the study, the board used the seven variables: gender, functionality, foreign/Swedish background, invandringsbakgrund – duration of stay on the basis of invandringsår – socio-economic background, education and place of residence.

compared individuals ‘ education, establishment in the labour market, income, enterprise and exclusion. Five outcome variables considered to have great importance in order to highlight gender inequality and inequalities in the labour market.

2016 – when the participants in the study were 31 years old – was about 85% employed and 12% self-employed.

But 24 per cent of the group who grew up in socioeconomically disadvantaged households and 18 percent of those born abroad or have foreign-born parents lacked secondary education at 31 years of age, which can be assumed to have consequences for their position in the labour market.

” The investments the region has made – mainly in education – are very significant, the costs to society when people in situations of exclusion are enormous. If we are to succeed in education and the labour market means big profits for a long time, ” says Per Bark.

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the level of education seems to be a more important factor than Swedish-immigrant background, the probability to pass the upper secondary school. The groups where the proportion of eftergymnasialt trained was low were, in particular, those who have grown up in socioeconomically disadvantaged households, those who have parents without a post-secondary education, men and persons with a foreign background.

– the socio-economic disadvantage is a very heavy background variable. Especially for men, only 41 per cent of them passed the high school, ” Per Bark.

the Men grew up in socioeconomically disadvantaged households go on to post-secondary education to a very low extent, only 14 per cent.

to those who have a relatively high median income 2016 mainly men, persons with long tertiary education – at least 3 years – persons who have not grown up in socioeconomically disadvantaged households and individuals with a Swedish background.

Those who have disability allowance, and sickness or activity compensation had a median income of zero at 31 years of age.

It is disheartening that those who have a disability to quite a large proportion are outside the labour market.

“It is disheartening that those who have a disability to quite a large proportion are outside the labour market,” says Per Bark.

looked at the group who lived in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas, both in 2000 and 2016. Of them was the 24 per cent who either worked or studied in the year 2016.

– There are big differences between those who live in the utanförskapsområden and those who live in the rest of the county. It is because those who succeed leave the area, those who remain working in the lower extent and those who move into work with an even lower degree. It becomes a vicious spiral and utanförskapsområden becomes more and more deprived, ” says Per Bark.

Read more: More foreign-born in Stockholm county