On a Friday afternoon, driving Oliver Weber* on the Bavarian motorway home, much earlier than normal and everything else is different. Two colleagues of the Zurich transport services (VBZ) will accompany him. He’s spouting off like a waterfall, is today still. Like replaced.

Weber’s wife has prepared for all of the “bread time”. But Weber is exhausted, wants to be alone – and quickly into bed. As he gets up the next Morning, at first everything is good. But then it catches up with the 46-year-old. Huddled and crying he lies on the ground. It was only when the paramedics come and get him calmed down with medication, he calms down. His daughter is afraid because she doesn’t know what is happening now with your dad.

emergency stop in the 13-Tram

The range of Oliver Weber’s life in April 2011, has changed, is unspectacular. Limmat place to Escher-Wyss-Platz. On the right, the Migros, on the left of the residential houses. Zurich’s Standard Main Road. More than 1000 times Weber is as a Tram driver with the 13 here along the dangers.

the lunch a Velofahrerin is parallel to the Line on the road. Weber sees you, everything is good, as always. But suddenly you turn to the left, completely unexpectedly. Now she stands in front of him on the tracks, looks at him. Weber, shocked, beats the Controller fully to the left as far as it goes, red, emergency brake. He is doing everything to stop 40 tons: The rail brake claps. The Sand runs down. The bell rattles. Then the Tram stops. Three to four times longer than in a car.

Which wants to prevent any tram pilot: The pressure on the emergency call button.

Weber and white: Either the woman has made it on the Tram over to the left, because that’s where the Zurich Trams have no rear-view mirror, or …

He leaves the leader. What he sees is unique. Weber goes back, pushes the emergency call button and says what she wants to say no tram driver: “fatal accident.”

the people, Meanwhile, are in the Tram restless. You will see the driverless bike. Some of the rise. Others stay trembling seats. Some of the screaming. Fortunately, a civil policeman in the Tram and helps Oliver Weber. Then his colleagues.

“I’ve done everything right”

The week after the accident, Oliver Weber spends in his garden in Bavaria. Again and again he assured himself: “I’ve done everything right.” 36 km/h he drove, even less than prescribed. And as the woman turned off on the tracks, he headed the emergency braking. Immediately. Weber wants to get back to. The Job is not to give up, is out of the question for him, because this is for him, everything.

in 1988, he began as a Carchauffeur, then went to the VBZ . Today the dawn in the Bus, delighted him by the General-Guisan-Quai, is the view of Höngg in Zurich from the cab, when the sun goes down. So he sits a week after the accident in the tram’s cockpit. A colleague accompanied him on the first day. “You think everything is going well so far,” says Weber.

Too many people, too much going on. On the Bahnhofstrasse start to shake his hands.

At Easter, two weeks after the accident, he has to service. Weber Stettbach the 7 Tram in the direction, and you realize: Something is not right. Too many people, too much going on. On the Bahnhofstrasse start to shake his hands. He presses the emergency button – and knows no more, although he constantly speaks by radio with the control center. Later, they will diagnose him with a partial amnesia: He could still drive, but mentally he wasn’t there anymore. A protective function of the body. Quickly he is replaced.

Oliver Weber has a Problem, that neither he himself can solve the VBZ. He is in the trauma therapy, with a “brilliant” people, he says. First of all, every day, then less and less, for three months. During this time, he’s not working. Mostly he stays in his small apartment in Zurich because he does not want to burden his family. “I have learned to know,” says Weber.

an employee of the VBZ Oliver Weber learns that the husband of the victim makes him no reproaches. Only three years later, Weber’s Post by the district court: the papierige confirmation of his innocence.

of The care team takes care of the drivers.

A few Tricks Oliver Weber in everyday life to help with the experience. A year ago, he had the last panic attack. As Weber took over a Tram, he made the Car stop and saw the number: his accident vehicle. The heart was racing. About 180 showed his heart rate monitor. Weber drove and went home.

In the Team of the today 54-Year-old an important person. He can talk with other riders who also had “a Deadly”, on eye-level. Advice he spread, but no. “Everyone does it differently,” says Weber.

With his wife, Oliver Weber lives no longer in a relationship, but in a joint WG. You could not control it, that your adult man sitting sometimes on the Couch, and without a reason to cry starts. “The accident has made me more emotional and my personality rounded,” says Weber. It happens that he needs to sob, when a longtime colleague is retired. Or if he watches TV, and in the Biathlon an athlete wins, which he likes.

*Name known to the editors

What happens if a tram driver, there Is the emergency button push

an accident, press the employee of the VBZ the emergency button and contact the control center. This monitors the whole traffic situation and depending on the accident, the police, the Prosecutor’s office, the ambulance and the care team of the VBZ. Heinz Reichlin has built this Team in 2000, a few year ago. There is a coarser accident, he is within an hour. Like his Team, many employees are trained in the transport service and ticket control for the initial care, as they are usually first. “It takes no degree in psychology, but common sense,” says Reichlin.

The care team provides the care and takes care of the driver. The goal is, you as quickly as possible from the accident site to the emergency vehicle with the tinted Windows, the coffee machine and the stand to bring heating. Also to protect them from curious passersby had formed all. There, you can come to a rest. Because sometimes it takes several hours until you are allowed to leave the scene of the accident. The Prosecutor’s office determines the. In the case of every fatal accident is initiated also a study and tested the blood, urine, and breath air. Thereafter, employees will accompany the end of the VBZ, the drivers involved in the home.

External psychotherapists, The care team will need to reimburse in the case of serious accidents, notification to social worker Brigitte Gerig. Since 2013, the follow-up of the driver makes this. The VBZ created at the time the support services to post trauma to prevent climatic interference that may not occur until much later. In the days after the accident, the conversation with the employee seeks Gerig. “Many of them have a noise in the head, or the image of a running child,” she says. In most cases, the taking after a few days. If not, it gives the driver internal to external psychotherapists. The follow-up is voluntary and free of charge. “It is important that our employees not handle the result well, so that anxiety and Stress when Driving,” says Gerig. Before the driver to increase back to the tram cockpit, checked out by a doctor whether you are capable of. All drivers with a fatal accident, Brigitte supervised Gerig, be again today in the Tram or Bus.

to avoid the number of accidents, the VBZ also prevention training. Hundreds of senior citizens, and students were made aware last year of the dangers. (tiw)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 01.04.2019, 23:51 PM