The strikers DSB employees are now being pulled in the labour court for the overenskomststridige the stoppage, which takes place on Monday.
It writes the DSB in a press release.
‘It is regrettable that our customers are taken hostage in a wildcat walkout. Danish Jernbaneforbund have known for a long time not helped to create peace on our joint negotiations, on the contrary, they have, in their rhetoric and behavior helped to support more overenskomststridige work stoppages, by which is in progress right now,’ says Flemming Jensen, executive director of the DSB.
But it will Henrik Horup, president of the Danish Jernbaneforbund, not to hear about:
– I calls, of course, not to strike. I have got a mail from the Danish Industry, which has asked us to encourage people to go to work. We have done it. We have written out, as we should be. And so, I’ve been inside the central railway station and said that they need to go in to work. But it was not successful for me to get them, he says.
There have been ice-cold air between the DSB-the management and the employees of more than one year. It started in december 2017, when UZBEKISTAN joined the confederation of Danish Industry. In the context of all agreements with employees terminated. That is to say, to negotiate new agreements and negotiated. The turmoil meant that several DSB staff members were sick at the same time, which gave unstable operation.
Subsequently, the country of the written opinions from the employees, which was expressed mistrust of the DSB management.
A number of agreements subsequently declined at the place. But the unrest is starting to smolder again, after the Danish Jernbaneforbund and DSB have not agreed on a new set of tillidsfolk.
on Friday said the DSB, that it be disputed that there is no space for tillidsfolk in the DSB. 28. march sent the DSB thus a letter to Henrik Horup, president of the Danish Jernbaneforbund, which reads:
‘as regards the question of the shop stewards after 1. april 2019, so must we, in regard to our discussion in the autumn of 2018 to make the point that the transition to the new tillidsrepræsentantregler, were deferred to the 1. april 2019, at the request of the Danish Jernbaneforbund, as connected should have the necessary time to get in place with the new elections of shop stewards. We must, therefore, propose that the parties agree to follow the new TR-agreement negotiated among the parties, and that the Danish Jernbaneforbund within 1. april 2019 notify the DSB(…), the shop stewards who are selected as tillidsrepæsentant of the DSB by this agreement.’
But Henrik Horup, president of the Danish Jernbaneforbund, believes that the DSB distorts things. In a written statement reads:
‘never Rely on a vice president whose primary job is to provoke and create conflict.’
‘English Jernbaneforbund has from day 1 in this dispute notified the DSB that connected NOT part part agreements.’
‘English Jernbaneforbund have from day 1 informed the DSB that NO agreements will be signed, before the whole package is ready and EVERYTHING is negotiated.’
‘This principle has director Flemming Jensen accepted and several times publicly stated to be understood. Now he has apparently suddenly decided not to understand it anyway.’
Henrik Horup thinks that the atmosphere between the parties is so cold, that they will have to start negotiations through the hovedorganisationerne.
– As the fronts are cut up, there is nothing else to do than to go to our main organisation FH, and so do TRAINS go to the Danish Employers ‘ association. We are completely locked in, he says.