An Alliance of GLP, BDP, CVP and the FDP has taken on Monday, the cantonal Parliament referendum against the new taxi law. The parties criticize it as being hostile to innovation, and to regulate. For the member of the Parliament referendum, 45 votes are needed.

Controversial especially the regulation of the driving service Uber, will also fall under the taxi act. Uber cars will be with a badge and the driver in the case of a cantonal authority, reported characterized.

The new taxi law is against popular peer-to-peer platforms and, therefore, against a future-oriented and efficient mobility through the journey of mediation among Private, to justify the parties in a communication to your Referendum. Supports the Referendum will be live from the club Per night, and the Bar and club Commission, Zurich.

SVP and SP want a “level playing field”

The new law cementing the existing structures in the taxi being and prevent a much-needed improvement in quality and appreciation. Instead of the taxi industry to animate the Cantonisation to be more customer friendly and more attractive prices to strengthen the bill, the structural defects and deficiencies.

a week Ago, the cantonal Parliament blessed the new law in its second reading, with 107 Yes – 66 no-vote. For that SVP and the SP, the hope of an easier control of the new industry and “level playing field” for all providers agreed mostly. (sda/hwe)

Created: 01.04.2019, 08:42 PM