There is good news for the inspectors at the Danish-German border.

Two of the four new boxes to provide shelter for rain and wind, Sunday was set up in Padborg and Frøslev, counts of.

the Boxes be put up, after the labour inspectorate has criticised the working of police officers, cadets and staff from the Defence, which stands for control. The criticism went, among other things, that the employees were exposed to the stench of marijuana and the carcinogens from car exhaust.

the Boxes are on 6 times 2,40 meters. Here you can grænsekontrollanterne go into when it rains and tugs at, and it is also supposed to connect to the it systems.

It was agreed between the government and the Danish people’s Party as part of the finanslovaftalen for 2018, that there should be better facilities.

Niels Hedeager, president of the south jutland local branch of Politiforbundet, welcomes the boxes.

– This has been needed all the time for safety and health reasons, he says.

Politiforbundets president, Claus Oxfeldt, is also satisfied, that there now comes a focus on passenger working. But it comes late, he points out.

– It is not good enough, when you get an injunction from the labour inspection authority, and that goes so long before it becomes a reality, says Claus Oxfeldt.

Allan Dalager, who is working vicepolitiinspektør in the South Jutland Police, says it has taken time to find the right solution.

– It is of course an interplay of many things. There have been some calls for tenders. And so we have moved very much up in the, how the boxes should look like. It is not easy to build something that has never been invented before, he says.

– We have gone for the best solution, and that, I think, actually, we’ve got now, says Allan Dalager.

You have previously tried out with tents for the supervisors. But it blew through them, and summer was too hot, Allan explains Dalager.

That have yet to be put in a box up in Frøslev, as well as in Kruså.

South Jutland Police expect that all boxes will be in place and ready to be put into use in the course of april.

The temporary border controls was undertaken 4. January 2016 at the Danish-German border and in the Danish ports with ferry connections to Germany.

the Control has been extended several times, most recently until mid-the month of may.