Willie Bo, real name Willie McCoy, died only 20 years old.

Rap artist careers created Willie Bo , real name Willie McCoy k trains on February 9. day Vallejo California police bullets.

Willie Bo died in the car. Youtube

mccoy’s family lawyer, Willie slept with a gun on his knee in his car, when the police shot him to death.

the Family is accusing the police of ethnic profiling, and the fact that the police even attempted to revive the rapper.

–They did not want to give Willie any chance, the rapper’s cousin told a news conference.

Police didn’t try a peaceful solution or some way to solve the situation, the rapper’s brother Marc said.

the Police shot the rapper in the face, neck, shoulders chest and hand.

Police have now self released a video of what happened, which shows how six police officer shot a sleeping Willie.

The Guardian -according to the newspaper, the video supports the Mccoy family arguments.

police authorities say was shot by a cop, fearing for their own safety.

Willie was a respected rapper in a residential neighborhood in the Bay Area in San Francisco, and his career was in a strong rise.

Source: The Guardian.