“The moments of happiness in its purest form”

“Jack Hilden on ramsorna, love and hatred in the stands”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Ramzan get like that press it well sung at the end of the match, when it is clear that we will win. Or after the final whistle when the players thank the crowd. It took a few times before I began to think on the line: A love which consists. It ought to be understood in relation to all the loves that do not last. Might look to the subject, a woman, or several women. Relationships where the man betrayed or been betrayed by yourself. After a few failed attempts, you learn that people don’t go to rely on. Human relations come and go, the lineup changes for each season, but one thing you can count on: We will remain.”

“We’ll see you before kick-off in a park and drink beer. It is a strange mix of personalities, I include myself in that description. “

“People who are not engaged in football, or even interested in football but who do not follow any particular club, often somewhat lenient in his eyes when you tell. Points out the illogical in the to love a player with a certain color on the shirt, and hate the other colors. That it needed to be said.”

“a few years ago I started to go every home game, and away games when it was possible. Season tickets in the North Stand, the stands where the heel stands and sings, where it can be small plastic bags on the toilet that previously contained cocaine or amphetamines, where the bengals burned by people in masks.”

“An ugly goal from a random player in the Hedge justifies the piracy of all their players.”

“We got a bunch, it was just a guy I knew from before. We seen before the kick-off in a park and drink beer. It is a strange mix of personalities, I include myself in that description. There is a military, unemployed, a teacher, a journalist. During the silly season, it is rare that we are even talking with each other, but in a few months is the people I meet almost more often than almost any other.”

“Now it begins again, after months of darkness and ice and an existence where you are not needed to drag themselves up on a Sunday and force itself first beer.”

“the ending 2018 was special. In addition to AIK won the gold medal for the first time since 2009, as was also nearly all the matches at the end unique. Derbies, attendance, interruption of the celebrations. Recently I was back, Jönköping in the Swedish Cup, and was brutally reminded of how it usually is. But still.”

“I will be another where the. All will be different there. I don’t need to hear my own voice, except if it is so in the audience. Then sounds the voice is suddenly alone and weak. Other times it is drenched. I hear nothing and can barely see anything either, the smoke and the flags in the way. I have been screaming whore and pussy, cocks too, for that matter, words that I will hopefully never going to use as a insult to someone else. Solidarity is conditional after all. Players can, with a few exceptions, go from being heroes to vile. Råsunda was demolished, and replaced by a svindyrt construction that echoes the plot and sponsored. It is a development in line with the rest of the football world. In this way, tested supporterskapet also constantly. In spite of all laws, and all the threats, you can never extinguish our passion.”

“The first matches of the heel was uncomfortable – I felt that I had not made myself worthy of the place and not heard at home. It quickly changed. I was surprised by how quickly international football has lost all sparkle. Became a likstel copy of everything that meant something. Despite the fact that almost all games are technically better than a kylslaget the Friends arena in november, when we play a draw against Sundsvall. But also just money, tv contract, tourists in the stands. Soulless.”

“And the national team became incomprehensible, I enjoyed the world CUP-94 the chronicle on VHS and watched it so many times that I could quote it by heart. Where I heard Karin Boye’s poem on a day of thirst and yet not understand why it fit so well in the context.”

“All those feelings disappeared and were concentrated in the compact we-and-they who constitute the foundation of the club culture. We are everywhere, but it is not you, for you are djurgårdsjävlar. The ramzan has quite a bit of Djurgården to do. Rather say that your team name is unimportant, so long as it is not our.”

“Supporters are supporters, driven basically by the same logic, but love to point out what is wrong with all the other clubs, and to point out why theirs is special. After a while I have collected a bad experience from almost all teams. They are impossible to forgive. An ugly goal from a random player in the Hedge justifies the piracy of all their players. Number six, number six, You number six, we’ll see if you smirk when your skull spräcks. After a winner in overtime of Malmö, not to mention their subscription to the gold medal, I would no longer just winning. I want to see Malmö humiliated. Want to see Markus Rosenberg to cry, the kind of grisiga players you hate in an opposing team but who gets praised when he plays for it’s own.”

“None of this, of course, is fair or, perhaps, even healthy. When the result seems unfair, it is even a sign that an upper power want to a bad. When it goes good, it is a grace for me and my motley friends, who may actually need to get to know that we win sometimes. The case of the young, angry guys, too.”

“There are stereotypes for all the teams, especially the rival storstadslagen. Bajare is identitetslösa, ölhävande lillebrorsor that are not even grown up in Stockholm. They have moved here from the town of Leksand. If they against all odds will come from the South are the grey and the white-haired, love Kenta from they call us mods. You do not need to take much notice of them. Ironically, considering that they have by far the most people at the matches. They lose eventually anyway, and the massive support from the stands is mostly a survival strategy. Djurgårdare: more than brats who started going to games during the early 2000s, when Djurgården won everything. AIK? Stoners with hubris, perhaps. The best and the worst, in all cases, the greatest – and probably most associated with violence. We are mad as hell, and full now again.”

“When I close my eyes I can hear the stairs squeak of feet as the jump in pace. Feel the taste of refusals, expensive beer that is not really needed, but we usually still take it in turns to buy. After the game I go home, it always seems infinitely far to the subway from the strange place where Friends arena established among university hospital, Solna residential area. When we are dragging ourselves home through the quarter, I tend to think of those who live here, who maybe did not expect that it periodically would come dressed in black people through their calm and pee along the edges. I hear how they swear behind the windows. Everyone hates us, everyone hates us, what the hell is doing it.”

“At this point, I would no longer have with my friends that do, just want to get home, sober up, eat. Check out Instagram, where the players lay out the pictures and videos from the match, the locker room, spelarbussen. A way to extend an experience that flows right through my public consciousness whether I like it or not, a cold.”

“the Players’ activity on social media allows us to get even closer. To say ”we won”, despite the fact that only a spectator, feels completely legitimate. Rasmus Lindkvist took photos of a banana skin on the omklädningsrummets floor after derbyseger against Djurgården. A not very subtle wink to the fans, which says, ” here we create together.”

“I remember another derby, against Hammarby, a wonderful match of type one experiences all too rarely. I think we led 3-0 after forty minutes. It was the corner closest to us in the heel, striker mario gomez, Nils Eric Johansson ran up to have a chance at nick. A chant had long grown to a strength that almost got the arena to shake. Second division here comes Bajen, second division here comes Bajen, second division here comes Bajen. Over and over again. Nils Eric Johansson ran so near the heel as he could get, raised his arms and called on the. Continue. A clear statement that this was already clear, the rest we play for the fun of it. And from where I stood, I saw something died in Hammarby. It took. Nackarna hung and the legs were heavy. They knew that we knew.”

“The simple answer to why we stand out, which is why I trained myself to download a sport with the sense of: to be in the rest of life wears down. It is trite, that the emotions become more difficult to access. But the sport is also banal. Moments of happiness in its purest form. It is what it offers. The matches can be difficult to remember. It is also why I go back in social media, and notes that: there I was. I was there when it happened. I am thinking at the moment just before it becomes a goal, when we are still wondering if the ball should go in, before all the cheering and jumping, then it, in a way, is already over. The second before, it is only when we are silent.”