The first of June 2015, made the secret Police a crackdown against a suspected terrorrekryterare in Örebro. The 45-year-old man, a preacher active in the mosques in central Sweden, was arrested and detained on probable cause after long-term surveillance and phone tapping.

the Fbi, which is otherwise often blamed for the excessive silence of their activities, sent out a press release:

”the secret Police have a clear picture of the ongoing radicalisation and recruitment in Örebro. The raid is a part of the bet made against the local recruitment. The security service sees that there are links to mosques in Örebro and Eskilstuna. Mosques have served as the focal point. Recruitment has primarily taken place in organised form in other places such as cafés and other community centers. We want to point out that there are religious congregations that are singled out. It is a single individual’s criminal activity that is behind the recruitment.”

Time and place for Säpos crackdown was interesting. 2015 had a member of the Islamic state, ICE, has achieved great success in Iraq and Syria. The iraqi city of Mosul had been conquered, and the genocide to wipe out the small yazidiska community was going on. Thousands of yazidier had been killed, women were captured as slaves and children had rövats from their murdered or imprisoned parents.

in 2015, success through a series of ruthless acts of terrorism. On January 7, murdered the ICE-terrorists large portions of the editorial staff at the French humortidningen Charlie Hebdo. A few days later took the ICE hostage and shot and killed four people in a jewish store in Paris, Hyper Cacher.

In Copenhagen a month later, on February 14, murdered the Danish ICE-the terrorist Omar El-Hussein, film director Finn Nørgaard outside a yttrandefrihetsseminarium where the Swedish artist Lars Vilks participated. Vilks was the real target of the attack, would the terrorist card after the deed, tell a friend. Later the same day, Omar El-Hussein, a new terrorist attack at the Copenhagen’s great synagogue, where he shot and killed ward guard Dan Uzan.

When the Fbi made its arrests in Örebro holding member on the planning of the european world, in even greater scale. A few months later, in november 2015, would IS carry out several extremely bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels. The worst occurred during a rock concert in the Bataclan in Paris and at the bars and taverns of the quarter in the vicinity of the venue. 130 people were killed and over 300 injured.

and other terrorist group had a remarkably high level of support. Osama Krayem from Malmö, suspected of involvement in the Parisdåden, is one of around 300 young swedes who were recruited into the ICE or other jihadistgrupper in Iraq and Syria. After a few months on the battlefield in Syria sent the member him back to Europe for other assignments. Since three years back it is in the day 26-year-old Osama Krayem arrested in Brussels, suspected of involvement in the IS massacres in Brussels and Paris.

Who recruited Malmöbon Osama Krayem IS we do not know. But we know that most of the swedes who was recruited to a terrorist group in Iraq and Syria came from the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö and Örebro. In particular, intensive recruitment was in Örebrostadsdelen Vivalla. Which attracted twenty or so young women and men to the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria – an extremely high figure in a town with only 7,000 inhabitants.

arrested by the secret service living in Vivalla. According to the prosecutor, he had in a dozen or so of intercepted phone calls discussing terrorrekrytering. The preacher denied all allegations, and said that Säpos investigator and the prosecutor had misinterpreted the phone calls. Later he would, in an interview with the independent, saying that he, on the contrary, tried to dissuade young people from joining the ICE.

And despite the high svansföringen from the security service and of the public prosecutor was not evidence. After more than three weeks in detention, was released on the preacher, and a few months later, the prosecutor down the entire investigation. It proved difficult to get the ICE-travellers to talk about how the recruitment actually gone to, stated prosecutor Ronnie Jacobsson.

got the prosecutor a question: Is it no longer speaks for the fact that the preacher has enlisted people to ICE, or is it just that the evidence is not sufficient for the prosecution?

– Rather the latter, ” replied the prosecutor.

he Then added that since there is no longer any open investigation against the 45-year-old, so he should be presumed innocent.

It is, of course still. The preacher is no longer suspected of anything. He has applied for and received financial compensation from the Chancellor of justice for the suffering that her detention meant: 24.000 sek. It is just as it should be in a constitutional state such as Sweden.

to fail to think about who recruited all these young swedes to ICE. Sweden is, after Belgium, the european country where ICE is most successful with their recruitment, in terms of the number of recruited terrorists per capita.

the One that upset when the 45-year-old Örebropredikanten was arrested by the secret service was a församlingsordförande in one of Eskilstuna’s largest mosques, where the 45-year-old used to preach.

” He is not such a person, said församlingsordföranden to SVT, IS-the charges against the 45-year-old.

there was a youth leader who openly sympathized with the ICE. And in a police questioning told a 31-year-old moskébesökare that there were four-five young men in the mosque that had ”really dangerous ideas”. According to the 31-year-old targeted the to recruit young people, and said things like, ”if you kill someone you will go to paradise”.

the 31-year-old told police that he tried to say against the ICE-the followers and reach the young people they were trying to attract. But after several threats had 31-year-old given up. He told police that he had moved from Eskilstuna because of the menacing ICE-the followers.

gave support to the 45-year-old Örebropredikanten was the influential Gävleimamen Abo Raad. In June 2015, wrote Abo Raad a post on Facebook that criticized the Säpos arrest. A few months earlier had Abo Raad in another facebookinlägg openly praised the terrorsekten ICE advances in northern Iraq, which was revealed by the Gefle Dagblad and journalist Magnus Sandelin.

”O God, instill fear into Your enemies ‘ hearts,” wrote Abo Raad, when the ICE had invaded Iraq’s second largest city Mosul. He urged his facebook fans to donate money to their ”sunni brothers in Iraq, where they are waging a disastrous war against svekfullhetens, kufrs and syndfullhetens forces” (”kufr” means ”the infidels”).

defeated on the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, flowing horrific testimony from terrorsektens victims. Yazidiska women who survived the captivity of ICE tells us about the mass murder, rape and unimaginable brutality. Mass graves after IS genocide against yazidier being explored in Iraq.

Here in Sweden we have our own homework to do. We must try to understand how so many young swedes could allow themselves to be lured into a terrorist group so cruel that it not only cut the head of the people, and burned people alive in cages, but also filmed the murders and used them in their propaganda.

the Swedish ICE-terrorists? We do not know it. When I last phoned the security police’s press service so I had it confirmed: Not a single individual has been prosecuted in Sweden for the recruitment to the IS or other terrorist group operating in Syria and Iraq.

But it is not only about finding and prosecuting the actual recruiters. As a society, we must also concern ourselves with the environments in which groomar young women and men to be receptive to the message from such an extreme terrorrörelse as ICE. Who lures them into a world of thinking about an eternal war between islam and the west? Who waters and nurtures ideas that can be right to kill the other and take the women into slaves in the name of religion?

In their fresh yearbook write the Fbi that in recent years the great increase of people in Sweden who sympathise with våldsbejakande islamism is likely to slacken. At the same time, reminds Säpo, Sweden has ”more våldsbejakande islamists than at any time in the past”.

spoken with many representatives and members of the Swedish muslim congregations that desperately over the radical islamics attractiveness. An imam told me how he’d just barely managed to stop his mosque was taken over by anti-democratic mörkermän. ”Most swedes”, sighed the imam, ”have no idea of the fierce power struggles that can be fought internally in the Swedish mosques”.

these maktkamperna is not to be regarded as the internal affairs of muslim communities. They are of concern to the whole of our society.