the Country has been rocked by protests since Bouteflika in February announced that he was in conflict with the constitution would stand for a fifth term of office. After massive protests from the algerian population, he drew back his candidacy, but the shot at the same time the top choice. It was the demonstrations that gain momentum since the president has announced that he intends to remain until the next election. When it happens is not yet clear.

to more cities than the capital, Algiers. In addition to protests against the Bouteflikas regime demanded that the military would stop interfering in how people express their political views in the public domain. According to local police, up to a million protesters have participated in demonstrations around the country. It is the largest gathering since the unrest took off for six weeks late. Every Friday, the people gathered on the streets, particularly in the capital. But then there have been tens of thousands of participants.

– the Pressure from the authorities will continue until the system is gone, ” says 25-year-old student Mohamed Djemai told Reuters at the same time as he goes in the big demonstrationståget in Algiers on Friday.

Residents of the city who did not participate in the demonstrations looked down from their balconies and cheered on the demonstrators.

“We have only one thing to say today, the whole gang must be removed immediately, game over,” said a protestor Ali who did not want to give his full name for Reuters.

the crowds: ”the people want the regime to fall”, sounded it from the demonstrationstågen among other things.

According to local police joined the demonstrations quiet and peaceful, but a Reuters reporter on site was able to testify that the tear gas was used in an attempt to push away the protesters who threw stones against the police.

the Country’s chief of staff Ahmed Gaid Salah demanded last Tuesday that Bouteflika will be declared unable to govern the country.

“We must immediately, within the framework of the constitutional frames, to find a way out of this crisis,” said the army chief during a broadcast on state tv.

The outgoing president has barely seen in public since he suffered a stroke in 2013.

President Bouteflika on the way out – but the people’s dissatisfaction is left

the Protests against Bouteflika fotsätter – tens of thousands are demonstrating in Algiers