“Kinapuffar – an important skitfråga for the vulnerable,”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the Journalist Patrik Lundberg’s column in Helsingborgs Dagblad about the widespread vardagsrasismen against asians has rightly been praised and widely linked. For many of us who like to think of ourselves as open to and aware of the people it served also as a reminder of how damned easy we still fall into prejudice and how the tunnel vision our vision often is. Lundberg writes among other things about his unwillingness to use the camera outside in public, when people are starting to giggle about firey photography asians. Yes, I have also been one of them.”

“of Lundberg’s main contribution was probably that he spoke from a private perspective, on how the often seemingly harmless and everyday racism affected him. Instead of sweeping the words from the plans and politician, he put racism in a personal perspective. n ”

“A company that was an eye-opener was the Fazer. For many years, the package has to their Kinapuffar adorned by a picture of a yellow asian with rishatt and slanting eyes. A stereotypical image of the asian as the Lundberg reacted. Fazer announced today that they have listened to the criticism and will change on the packaging.”

“the Decision has received several liberal commentators to sigh over this fånighet. On Twitter, type ledarskribenten Sakine Madon that it is ridiculous to see racism everywhere, for example on the candy bags. By claiming that Kinapuffsbilden would be some form of racism, devalues the term as such.”

“I agree with Madon, to a certain extent. Kinapuffarnas packaging is a small skitfråga in a massive structure of racism, hierarchies, and norms. To believe that society changes through a produktförändring is to be hopelessly naive. But they who delight in Fazer’s decision is by no means the people who believe that we have a fairer society is only through this smart marketing ploy. The medieklass who are portrayed as naive idiots, who think Fazer is contributing something important to society, in her description is nothing that I recognize. We are aware that Kinapuffs-image removal does not mean that Patrik Lundberg will get to avoid hearing ”dibs tjong” or be fnissad when he shoots. We make to anti-racist work goes deeper than that and that there are bigger issues. But the key is that it is not up to either me, or Sakine Madon to determine what is important in this case.n ”

“It is never that which belongs to the standard that can define what is perceived as offensive and unpleasant. A white american has no right to explain what racism is and is not. A non-asian has no preference around to tell you what is nonsense or a needed change in a normalised everyday racism. The image on the Kinapuffarna is a symbolfråga and constitute a signal about what is tolerated and what may be perceived as offensive. It is indeed enough to Patrik Lundberg perceived it as unpleasant for it to be a good thing to remove the picture.”