It is a tragic irony that the film was ”Us” had a theatrical release during the same week the documentary about the singer Josefin Nilsson, ”Love me for who I am”, resulted in a whole series of alert hashtagkampanjer suspected as the 1986 charity event Hands across America.

The 25 may 1986, took an estimated six and a half million americans join hands in a festive fourth, from the east coast and New York to the west coast and Santa Monica, to benefit AMERICA’s homeless and hungry. So many dåtidskändisar participated in the human chain: Liza Minnelli, Yoko Ono, and Harry Belafonte in New York city, president Ronald Reagan in Washington DC, Michael Jackson in Youngstown, fifty Abraham Lincoln impersonators in the Springfield, fifty-four Elvis impersonators in Memphis, Arkansas governor Bill Clinton in Little Rock, and so on, and so on. A kind of kamplåt with the imaginative title of ”Hands across America” was recorded by Toto.

the money would go to the U.S. homeless and hungry mostly went to the administration of at least unwieldy project. The organization received 34 million dollars – the participants donated ten dollars each in exchange for a reserved spot in the chain – but in the end it went only 15 million for this purpose.

In the “Us”‘ US new skräckmästare Jordan Peeles dubbelgångarrysare, recreates an underground people dressed in red overalls and armed with guldsaxar chain. There are both direct reasons for it, and advanced interpretations of why, but what especially strikes me when I see the movie is how pointless it is. Visually striking, but pointless. And at the same time threatening in a way that originalevenemanget was hardly.

Perhaps that is why the tank goes to the contemporary aktiviströrelser.

It is so, finally, we will make up with kvinnoförtryckets endless history, not true?

we are grieving Josefin Nilsson’s early death and the wish for an end to men’s violence against women in and of itself does not hook the arm so literally as in 1986. An energetic emoji on Instagram is enough long way, apparently, a promise to continue to remember the men who behave badly. Again. I thought it was during the metoo as all of the men discovered women’s vulnerability, but it is quick to forget and to let themselves be surprised again the next time the topic arises, and the next. This time it is gone. And if not this time, so it pops always up for a new case, soon, where we can repeat the same procedure.

Each Instagramkändis can start his own hashtag, it becomes not quite easy to rename them all because branschuppropen during metoorörelsen la seizure in so many putslustiga slogans – and aside from, you know, #metoo – but it has to go. It is so, finally, we will make up with kvinnoförtryckets endless history, not true? By creating a whole class of influencers whose highest purpose is to put someone bastard, and that as many people as possible should comment a yellow emoji in their posts about how encouraging it is that so many are commenting with a yellow emoji in their posts.

Anna-Carin Stenholm Pihls deeply moving documentary about Josefin Nilsson, there has emerged a gap between the old and the new media. Almost every newspaper has published a wiseacre text about the importance of the rule of law and media ethics in the case of the actor who abused the beloved singer, on the danger of ”lynchmobbar” and ”folkdomstolar”. In the social media going on at the same time, a ferocious sharing of names, judgments, rumors on the town.

I do not know which side is the most depressing. Maybe it is the worst that the two approaches cannot possibly seem to be able to meet. Perhaps it is most hopeless to 1986, there were millions of people who believed that they could cure the inequality by keeping the hand, and that the faith is alive and well.

Read more texts by Greta Thurfjell , among other things, on the Instagramfiltren makes the human being to cyborg .