portrait, 1. Space

The art bathing

action by Pipilotti Rist in the Bernese hall band, to make the corals die carefully. Photo: Anthony Anex (Keystone)

seal? Poodle? Pipilotti Rist. On 7. October 2018 and is calling for you, together with the WWF in a Bernese indoor swimming pool: five hundred people gather there in a by video projections created color glory, to make the corals are dying in the oceans. Meanwhile, Anthony Anex photographed the artist on the edge of the pool — and thus winning the portrait prize in the competition, Swiss Press Photo. We show the best pictures. (ddf)

Swiss stories, 3. Space

The farmer and his special assistant

“Schweizer Illustrierte”, 17. August, 2018: on the title page of the usual prominence of operation, this time with Bernhard Russi (“So Mari and his children”) and Ignazio Cassis (“foot bath in the Ganges to experience it”). In the centre of the magazine but then, twelve pages long, a whole different universe. And that of Jan Creator. The young man is 21, lives in Kerns in the Canton of Obwalden, and called the””, because he has trouble Speaking. He has down syndrome, and he will never be a farmer, even if this is his dream of life. But always on Thursdays and Fridays he works for a farmer, and a photographer Remo Nägeli has him portrayed in his major story: when you crap, when you Mow, when you Test the automatic cow brush. It’s been eight years already. Special education in the stable? Jan benefited from his promotion, but farmer Beat Windlin at the same time, with the Talent and will of its young force. Recently, he has a milking robot, and he wonders: Jan could add 5 and 5, but the robot, he will serve as a virtuoso, “how can a Jumbo jet Pilot”. (ddf)

the actuality, 1. Space

imagine there is a fire, and no one goes home

9/11? Fire in the Rhine port of Basel. But the curiosity is the same. Photo: Stefan Bohrer

Strange, but true: Sometimes, the reality seems only right really, if it looks like a picture. And one that you know. Basel, 27. July, 2018: fire, poison alert, to stay at home, close window! Stefan Bohrer, los freelance photographer, travels. For the “look” he photographed the 30-metre-high tower of Smoke in the Harbor, where the warehouse of a transport company burns, then he makes a Video and want to go back, when he noticed you. The Audience. “Sat there and waited, a bit like at a concert when the opening act. And since the two on the bench, which made Selfies. I knew immediately, this is a better image than just the pillar of smoke.” Drill also knew that he already had seen: Thomas Höpker created with a similar scene of one of the most famous pictures from 9/11, in a Park in Brooklyn, with the disaster as a backdrop. And so, too, drill, image dominated from Basel, the other images of that day. Because it shows not just the event. But also our society of the spectacle. (ddf)

portrait, 2. Space

The Ex-needed to Prime very quickly a blue cloth

Well-heeled: Tony Blair receives a neutral Background, you need to keep the Tagi-Interviewer (l.) and the Blair wizard a cloth. Photo: Urs Jaudas

On 3. December 2018 is formed in the antechamber of the office of Tony Blair, this portrait of the former British Prime Minister, decidedly in an Interview with the “Tages-Anzeiger” against the Brexit agreement to pronounce. It is exactly nine o’clock. Time is of the essence. Tony Blair is on the go, and the photographer, Urs Jaudas have to improvise. He needs for his portrait necessarily have a neutral Background. In the hustle and bustle of a blue cloth, you can not attach, however, in this paneled room on the wall or may. So the Interviewer, Editor David Hesse (left), and Blair’s assistant to keep the Royal blue cloth. It’s just a circle with gold stars are missing, then you would have a European flag, not only fit to Blair’s chair, but also his political stance in the Brexit wool-discussion. (hm)

sports, 3. Space

How to with the camera in the two battle

increases The formula of the “decisive moment” has shaped the journalistic photography like no other. Stupid, however, for the image coverage of the Sport: The game are not necessarily the image of the decisive moments. The goal, the point, the best time, the record counts, but the photographer raises it slightly, often the Same. All the more captivated looking at what has taken Andy Müller for the Agency fresh focus. He was, as the Swiss national team at last year’s world hockey championship in Denmark fought for the silver medal. And in this fight he shows off a proximity that owes as usual the telephoto lens. But the Plexiglas, the rows of the front of the most viewers from the harshness and ferocity of this game shields – the photographer who uses it as consistently as a lens, almost even allowed to get in the fight. Decisive moments, photographically anyway. (ddf)

everyday, 3. Space

Swiss art in the roundabout

In “Bieler Tagblatt” on 5. May 2018, is called centrifugal jewelry as a “unique phenomenon that you may already typically Swiss”. In fact, in this country, hardly a traffic roundabout, would not be characterized with a meaningful sculpture or a special planting. The “Tagblatt” sent their photographer Matthias Käser on the Prowl in the Bieler Seeland, where he has a whole series of Monumental sized objects found: it is a power plug that lights up in the night, a shopping cart with a couple of Federal folders, or a towering sugar beet. Each object is reproduced faithfully. The secret of the Zeeland centrifugal art lies in the enlargement of everyday objects, which are simulated naturalistic. The Size of the objects is emphasized by the photographer’s selected deep camera position. (hm)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 18:28 PM