Simon Vaut anxiety after the failed deception of the Brandenburg SPD for its candidacy for the European Parliament to his official status in the CDU-led Ministry of economic Affairs. As the “mirror” reported, Vaut of the personnel Department of the Ministry have been uploaded for mounting a clarifying conversation. Originally Vaut should be according to the report, on that day, but permanently established.

To the start of the week had become known, that Vaut had deceived the Brandenburg SPD about the circumstances of his life, for a better chance at the nomination as a candidate for the European elections on may 26. To have may. He was living in Brandenburg/Havel, although he lived in Berlin. At the same time, he pretended to have a relationship with a woman, for which he was moved to Brandenburg/Havel.

The country-the SPD has set the election campaign with Vaut therefore, the 40-Year-old explained to the Federal returning officer of his waiver of a potential mandate. The mandate should go, despite the 22nd place on the Federal list of his party, the SPD, to move the state of Brandenburg former Juso-Boss Maja wall of stone as a replacement candidate to the EU Parliament.

The case Vaut could have for the SPD implications for the state election

daily mirror people

for Free order

Whether this works, given the poll ratings of the SPD is uncertain. Wall stone was had from the beginning of the request, a candidate of the SPD-land-in-chief and Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke and would have as a wife a better chance to land in the top ten list of places.

Vaut left unanswered requests from other media – including this newspaper -, but to the mirror. It is known that the Willy-Brandt-Haus was involved in the crisis management. The political rivalry is suspected behind the new home story from the Vauts apartment, which is “a little dusty” because he was in the election campaign, so a lot of on-the-go, a clear objective, controlled by the party headquarters: Simon Vaut than lost Comrades, with which the reader could almost feel sorry for it – and the damage to the Brandenburg SPD as far as possible keep away from.

Maja wall stone, Brandenburg, the SPD-candidate for the European elections.Photo: Bernd Settnik/dpa

Which works over long distances. The case Vaut could for the SPD implications for the state election on 1. September. The party has to fear, after 30 years of trying to lose the government’s responsibility. Vaut ashamed, he was sorry that his country party to have the damage, he told the mirror. Less pity, he had Enjoyed in Bavaria or Berlin. “But in Brandenburg, it is really a nice SPD.”

The “mirror” said Vaut: “I’m sorry. I want a clean slate.” He didn’t run out of Careerism, as a man and to a rear of the list, the chances would have been anyway impossible. He had it apart after the Failure of the Federal election in 2021, he had reported the alleged girlfriend that he didn’t mention.

“It starts with a harmless untruth”

Instead, he told the mirror: “It starts with a harmless untruth, and then you become entangled in it.” He slid into his hot rod life. The alleged girlfriend he’s known for years. And again Vaut attracts the woman, who lives in Berlin, in: they had come closer to “probably a couple of times, too,” writes the magazine. For Vaut whether it be a relationship, for the woman but never a partnership.

Vaut, the former speech writer of Sigmar Gabriel compares himself, with Frank Underwood, the US President from the series “House of Cards” riding “of small things is always more pure, and it is getting worse,” said Vaut. “I am often moved in my life, I’m nowhere rooted.” This disadvantage, he didn’t want to “with a Überinszenierung” obscure and it is then exaggerated. “I wanted to make it stop.”

And yet is at least suggested, that the SPD was well known that Vaut played a false game. It questions, such as the Brandenburg SPD Headquarters, because of the Vaut was reported in the members system with a Berlin address. Vaut therefore had a fictitious address in Brandenburg/Havel. As the alleged girlfriend no longer wanted to join the wrong game, he reported to the local sub-district, he had flown in with his girlfriend out of it.

The Landtag candidate Britta grain knife gave him shelter, Vauts Name stood next to her on the Doorbell. Again Vaut reported the address for the members file. Only he used the room for his comrade never, the address served the party post, as the grain knife of this newspaper said.

More about

lie scandal in the case of the social Democrats in Brandenburg, the SPD will stop the election campaign, with Europe candidates

Alexander Fröhlich, Thorsten Metzner Marion Kaufmann

Whether Vauts Enjoyed the deception carried out of lack of experience or intent, it is so far unclear. The “mirror” said Vaut: “political careers end before they have started.”