Gent The 15-year-old Abdulbaki, a Gent boy who is life-threatening sick, if Wednesday are to realize his dream. He was allowed a day of firefighter. That was done in collaboration with Make-a-Wish foundation, the organization that the wishes of children with life-threatening illness holds.

A brand-new BMW picked up Abdulbaki and his three brothers to his school. After a delicious pizza, he was looking at the fire station drove. Where he has some surprises waiting were, “Our team has provided him with a between the met,” says fireman Guy Janssens. “He got a interventiejas and helmet that he has the entire afternoon was allowed to wear. During the tour, he was especially fascinated by all the different vehicles and the sirens. He also went 30 feet, with the ladder truck.”

But that was not for Abdulbaki. There was to him a great task to wait. “Suddenly it was for real: the alarm went off, because there had to be a palletbrand – staged – to be extinguished. Not only he, but also we had a fine afternoon. A child happy, you can still find it hard no to say?”