Rafi Eitan, who was one of the most legendary figures in the israeli intelligence service, died Saturday. He was 92 years old.

This writes the american newspaper the New York Times.

the List of daring missions as the bar Rafi Eitans fingerprints are long, but no operation gave so much resonate as the kidnapping of the nazi mass-murderer Adolf Eichmann.

Eichmann, who was one of the main responsible for the planning of the Holocaust, had been on the run since 1945.

But a majdag in 1960, it was over. The Mossad, the notorious israeli intelligence service, had received a tip that Eichmann lived with his family in Argentina.

After 15 years on the run, stood this remains of a bus and was intercepted by a group of agents, who pretended, the cluttered with a car in the side of the road. Among them was Rafi Eitan.

I grabbed him in the neck with so much force that I could see his eyes bulge out, told Eitan subsequent.

the Article continues below the article.

Adolf Eichmann. Photo: AP

Adolf Eichmann was one of the leading nazis, who were present at the Wansee conference, where the Gestapo-chief Reinhard Heydrich expounded the text, gave out the tasks and made it clear black on white: Europe’s jews should be eradicated.

SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann was the secretary and was him, who in practice had to ensure the logistics of the deportation of the jews.

looking Back at the Beautiful surroundings to the fatal meeting: Here they planned the mass murder of the jews

After the capture in Argentina, he was sentenced to death and hanged in 1962.

Rafi Eitan was present at the execution.