“Crime is rarely grounds for termination”

“the Revelations that persons convicted of crimes often lead to requirements on the dismissal, but the truth is that a judgment, for example, assault or harassment is not grounds for termination.”

“the Connection between labour law and crime are not. With a few exceptions.”

“It is only in a few professions such as violent crime, or crime at all, means an absolute basis for the termination. Staff within the judiciary, such as lawyers, judges, police and prosecutors, may not have a job left if they are sentenced for more serious crimes, ” explains Fredrik Dahl, a lawyer and expert in labor law at the law firm Vinge.”

“– Then the requirements for an unquestioned way of life, ” he says.”

“But the same requirements do not exist within other professions. The who, for example, abusive to their partner may very well get to have the job remain, according to Dahl.”

“Labour law no weapons”

“– law is not a weapon in the day to get civilian employers to take social responsibility. Each case is considered individually based on the circumstances, ” says Fredrik Dahl.”

“Even if an employer feels uncomfortable with an employee convicted of a criminal offence, it is not a solid reason for termination. Employment protection lives its own life, in such a way that the employee has for themselves in their free time generally does not affect the work situation.”

“– The one who is sentenced to a month’s imprisonment or a conditional sentence may probably be said to be able to carry out their work. If the sentence is longer, six months or so, then will the matter in a different position. Then it can be considered that the employee is no longer at the employer’s disposal, ” says Anders Lindow, a lawyer and arbetsrättsexpert on the organization Entrepreneurs.”

“the Employer may be able to withstand”

“Employers may simply be able to withstand that employees commit crimes, if they do not give too long sentences. If the confidence of the business would be disturbed by any work remaining, the employer shall try to relocate the person, ” explains Lindow.”

“it is with, for example, economic crime for the working with the economy – something that can lead to that the confidence of the employees moved. The same thing applies if the offence relates to the work.”

“– If the crime is directed against the employer or other staff, then it’s probably for the dismissal of pang-bom, ” says Anders Lindow.”

“the Dismissal of workers may be due to either the unavailability or the employee’s personal reasons. In both cases, negotiations with trade unions take place.”

“the Matter can then be tested in the labour court. When the labour shortages cease the employment immediately after the notice period, upon termination due to personal reasons, the however, during the whole time until the court has ruled on the matter. Many employers are therefore trying to use redundancy as the reason for termination in the first place.”