climate concerns prefer to take it seriously. Women are very easy to set up. These two principles led last weekend to the success. The election has shown that women Are prepared, then they are elected.

In the government seats for the first time in twelve years, more women than men. Natalie Rickli defended the second SVP seat, together with Carmen Walker Späh (FDP), Silvia Steiner (CVP), and Jacqueline Fehr (SP) are represented four women in the government.

SVP-List forwards

In the cantonal Parliament, the women celebrate a historic victory: their share increases to 40.6 percent. Even if that’s not reflective of the population: the proportion of women was never. And by the surprising election of Martin Neukom (Green) in the Council of government the ratio will rise again: Renate Dürr to slip, the rate climbs to 41.1 percent.

The climate of slip alone is not sufficient as an explanation. An analysis of the Figures shows that 37% of the candidate scored better than your original list. In the case of men, there were only 26 percent. It ballot were more often in favour of women changed as to the benefit of men.

Angie Romero of the FDP says it need a dedicated campaign to be elected. Photo: PD

the Greens, the women with 13 to 9, even in the majority, and in the case of the green-liberal impressive 9 out of 10 newly-Elected are female. The GLP provides a new group, the ratio of 12 women to 11 men. Also in the case of the social Democrats, 20 of the 35 seats of enjoyed are occupied inside.

Traditionally, it looks at the Civil something different. Only 10 of the 45 seats of the SVP wins a woman. In the case of the FDP, there are 11 from 29, EDU 1 of 3. However, despite the losses of the party of the king are among the svpler inside inside the list of strikers. Daniela Rinderknecht from Bülach took place on 13 and made a record high of nine list ranks at number 4: “I can’t believe it still,” she says. Rinderknecht taps on your good networking at the rural women and agriculture as well as their Engagement in the community. Also politicised her mother-in-law already for the SVP.

SVP-politician, Nina Fehr Düsel for compatibility. Photo: PD

at the forefront of their party colleague, Nina Fehr Düsel, you predicted a loss of seats sailed. She fought her way from fifth to first place on the list: “I was apparently able to convince as a Person. This makes me very happy,” she says. The mother of two, lawyer and politician says: “I am for reconciliation and to live it. That makes me credible.” A other middle-class woman kicked with your list storm even the FDP party President Hans-Jakob Boesch from the cantonal Council. “The spoils of my success, of course, a little bit,” says the newly elected FDP certain day, Angie Romero. You put in your election campaign, an accent on the reconciliation of professional and family life: “If you want to, women can get involved. Certain framework conditions,” says Romero. You have passed Gas: “Without a dedicated election is not elected.”

Also at the Left there is a List of forwards. The 25-year-old Sarah Akanji overtook three of the Previous. The SP-politician says: “I take a swing in the woman’s question is true, and have now also testifies to the voters.” It should not stick to the talk About: “We want equal, we want equality.”

Easy woman bonus

That so many women made the choice in the first place, a simple mechanical reason: “If more women stand for election, be elected more women,” says Fabrizio Gilardi, a political scientist at the University of Zurich. The parties had obviously took more effort to find women, and more women are interested in. “Campaigns such as “Helvetia is calling!” could have an effect.”

Gilardi calculated points in addition, a slight woman bonus of 2.2 percent: “women had in this election, a better chance to be elected,” he says. The newly invigorated women’s movement seem to have an effect on the Select. For a long time the consensus have ruled that one-third share of the rich. “This is no longer true.”

“It’s not that women make better policy, but that they make policy,” says Andrea Gisler of the GLP. Photo: PD

Andrea Gisler, President of the women’s Central, preaching this for years. She was chosen for the GLP in the member of the Parliament and engaged in the run-up for the women. In 18 constituencies, the woman distributed Central Flyer with the non-partisan woman’s recommendations. On the back is a guide to “Smart select”: non-partisan candidate with good opportunities to choose and the competitors on the list. “Our work has worked,” says Gisler. “It’s not that women make better policy, but that you make them.”

Gilardi believes in a knock-on effect of the Zurich election for the national Council elections. “It’s still not a 50/50 share. There is air to the top,” he says. Especially on the country: In Andelfingen, about the proportion of women is still at zero.


Created: 25.03.2019, 22:30 PM