skeletons, skulls, masks, a stuffed lamb with two heads: Welcome to Viktor Wynds “Museum of curiosities, art, and natural history”. A PANOPTICON, in which a collector is all behind glass, which he finds on the whole world for the Curious: disorder, wild and scary. To admire the Siamese twins in formaldehyde, the erect Penis of a Hanged person, shrunken heads, or erotic literature with titles like “A Sex Guide for Irish Farmers”.

You had promised to us hidden places in London. “The Last Tuesday Society” is located in the East End 30 years ago, still a No-go Area: poverty, Prostitution, crime, dark, dirty streets, dingy Pubs. Two U-Bahn stations behind Liverpool street Station, had bought Viktor Wynd at the beginning of the Millennium, a house and started to fill the basement with curiosities. Two years ago, has been opened on the ground floor is a Pub, which is run by the New York artist Allison Crawback and the London Barman Rhys Everett. Viktor Wynd, a mixture of Dandy, Landlord and adventurer, tells the story of his passion, of his artist friends to hang their pictures everywhere in the Pub, and the upcoming trip to Papua new Guinea.

a place of pilgrimage for Bowie Fans: His mural in Brixton. Photo: Alamy

From the East End to Brixton in the South of the city, just Opposite the entrance to the metro Station, Angela is waiting with the untamed Rasta curls in front of the mural of David Bowie. Even before she begins to tell the story of a pop star, she says: “When I was a kid, it was called always, never leave the U-Bahn in Brixton.” As the East End, also in Brixton 30 years ago, No-go-Area. In a reminder, the race remained unrest in the early ‘ 80s.

And today: Angela raves from the district, of vibrancy, cultural diversity. It was a loud vibrating place. “Brixton never sleeps.” A little later, you will point to a Hotel with the Slogan “Hot nights in Brixton” advertising. Sleep was not to think in these rooms, she says, laughing. In the morning, promise in the streets, preachers clamoring for the demise of the world. Towards the evening, the street musician, playing and dancing until the early hours of the morning.

“Sir, I would be your wife, I would poison your tea”

thousands of Fans make the pilgrimage since his death, on 10. January 2016 to Bowie mural in Brixton. Bowie is a child Brixtons, grew up just a few blocks away. Two young women lay flowers, stand reverently in front of the image, a kiss, holding hands, with one Hand, a Selfie, with the other a small tear from the eye is wiped.

Angela runs through Brixton, tells of Lord Kitchener, who had together climbed with 500 other Blacks in the Caribbean on the Empire Windrush on 22. In June 1948, in the port of Tilbury arrived. Workers searched in London, the happiness, and in the Brixton low with a lid. Lord Kitchener sings at the arrival of his song “London is the Place for me” into the microphone of a reporter. He is in London, a celebrated Calypso Star.

On the Brixton Market on Electric Avenue the shelves together threaten to break under the weight of mangoes, bananas, and yams. In the Reliance Arcade, a narrow shopping arcade in the Art Deco style are Rasta braided curls. Plates, colorful fabrics, clothes, fruit, Popcorn and batteries to go over the counter. “Here one can still feel the authentic atmosphere of the Caribbean,” says Angela.

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The Pop Brixton is the meeting place of the young. In shipping containers, the chefs from all the countries work. Beer flows. Start-ups try their luck – and in front of the entrance of the food truck of the Bushman, to offer the best Caribbean food stands.

According to the Hipster-favorite place, the Market House, with its many bars, the preferred Café of Will Smith, and the dresses and jewelry shops of local designers, the tour ends in a catacomb under the tracks of the high line: an Indian Efra Ale Brixton Brewery.

Hidden places, there are also between Trafalgar and Westminster, in the middle of the tourist flows. Tour guide Alyson knows the little stories, the wait at each corner, told to be – for example, of strong women: In the Victoria Embankment Gardens a bronze statue of a young girl reminiscent of Lady Henry Somerset: you refused at the end of the 19th century. Century, the eyes to be closed before the page jumps of your gay husband, and separated from him.

built in 1899, The Astor House tells the story of Nancy Astor. She was elected in 1919 as the first woman to the British house of Commons, was active for the rights of women and that in the Pubs until the age of 18 years drank alcohol can be. Legendary for their battles of words with Winston Churchill. “Sir, I would be your wife, I would poison your tea.” – “My lady, if I were your husband, I’d drink it.” And at King’s College had once taught Rosalind Franklin and researched. You had to watch as two male colleagues received the Nobel prize after they had stole Franklin’s research on the DNA and released.

pain in the feet, it’s time for an Afternoon Tea in Brigit’s Bakery – in a double-Decker bus. Sandwiches, cupcakes and Scones and pastel colors are the perfect counterpoint to Viktor Wynds glare from the Cabinet.

The trip was supported by Visit Britain,

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 25.03.2019, 08:37 PM