In the Court of Esbjerg continues the trial of a parent from the area, who is charged with a total of 17 conditions of violence, threats and sexual abuse of particularly crude and brutal nature toward their four children in the period from 1987 to 1994. The mother is the biological mother of all four, while the man is the biological father of two of the children.

Both parents are accused in the case.

Three witnesses, who all had a connection to the family in the years where the abuses falndt place, delivered in the right explanation. the
Common to the witnesses was that they had wondered the now 63-year-old man’s sexual language in relation to children.

– He could well say to the daughter, whether she will be with the upstairs for a bag of candy, explained to a female witness, who is second cousin to the 63-year-old man.

While the three witnesses gave the explanation, there were several times, where the 63-year-old man laughed at or looked at its 60-year-old wife and rolled eyes. They were clearly disagree with the explanations.

The youngest witness, who was summoned for today, had even been a child and at the same age as the two oldest children.

She had several times played with the two oldest children and not just heard a similar comment, but also saw the danger, and the oldest daughter go upstairs, which he had previously promised her candy.

It was just the eldest daughter, who in the summer of 2017 reported his stepfather and his biological mother to the police. She notified not only to sexual assault and violence committed against himself, but also committed against its siblings.

The 7. november 2017 were both parents arrested and remanded in custody.

the Indictment includes a total of 17 very serious relationship.

the Mother should among other things have kept the one daughter firmly against the floor in the living room, while she said: ‘Now you be good by the father, then the man is accused of having committed sexual abuse against the girl.

the Mother is also accused of having committed sexual abuse against the then 4-year-old girl.

the Children were placed outside the home, since the oldest was about nine years old and the youngest about five years old. Since the parents had very little contact with them. When the children having to give evidence, the parents were also led out in a listening room.

The two defendants deny all conditions. As the former even gave the explanation, they said both that they were under ‘false accusations’.

There is expected skyldkendelse in the beginning of april.