Scammers, who sell tons of candy without paying tax, or vat, has been far freer play.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in the light of a decision from the Environment – and Fødevareklagenævnet.

the Fda has so far had great difficulty in stopping sliksvindlerne. But a requirement that vendors should keep a logbook of the goods that came into the store, according to the agency is a good tool.

It is the tool with which the Environment – and Fødevareklagenævnet have put a stop to.

An access to documents, which the newspaper obtained, show that the Danish veterinary and food administration has registered an unprecedented extent by the lack of traceability. This means that you can’t see where sweets is coming from, and hence are fiddled with vat and taxes.

And the Fda have big problems with the black candy, admits Michael Rosenmark, who is head of According to the task force.

– There are some shops selling heavy amounts of black candy, and we find it difficult to stop them, he says.

According to the task force and the Tax has in recent years stepped up efforts against just the sale of the black candy.

An action in the ten shops in Copenhagen, as well as a wholesaler and five wholesalers in Sweden revealed that 50 to 87 percent of some stores revenue came from candy, which was not paid vat and taxes.

You gave last year, the Danish veterinary and food administration option, among other things, to exclude persons from owning slikbutikker, but the shops are owned by the cover, which often have to be changed.

So is the ability to provide quarantine not used one single time, writes the newspaper.

the Environment – and Fødevareministeren will at the present time not to change legislation so that the Fda get the power to impose slikbutikkerne to keep a log of their goods.

– Now the Fda to find another method. If there is a need for a new legal basis, we must look at it, writes Jacob Ellemann-Jensen (V) in a reply.