The report of the FBI special investigator Robert Mueller over alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election in 2016, and a possible involvement of President Donald Trump is complete. He is Minister of justice, William Barr. On Sunday, Barr sent a four-page summary to the U.S. Congress. The DPA news Agency translated in the Following excerpts from this summary:

“dear Chairman Graham, dear Chairman Nadler, dear member Feinstein and dear member Collins: in Addition to the message from Friday, 22. March 2019, I write today to inform you about the most important conclusions of the special investigator Robert S. Mueller, and to inform you about the status of my first examination of the report you created.

(…) even Though my exam is not yet complete, I believe that it is in the public interest, to describe the report and the main conclusions of the special investigator and the results of its investigation.

(…) the report noted the special investigator, that he has employed for his study, 19 attorneys supported by a Team of about 40 FBI agents ( … ). The special adviser issued more than 2800 Subpoenas [to be under threat of prosecution to call or to request the documents], almost 500 Search warrants, (…), he made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed about 500 witnesses.

Russian interference in the US presidential election in 2016.

The report of the special investigator is divided into two parts. The first describes the results of the investigation by the special investigator about the intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. The report describes Russian efforts to influence the election, and the documented crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with these efforts. The report further explains that it was a Central question for the investigation by the special investigator, if any of the Americans, had connected, including people, the the Trump campaign were close to the Russian conspiracies with the aim of influencing the choice, what would be, according to US Federal law a crime.

The investigation by the special investigator has shown that the Trump campaign or someone close to you, has conspired with Russia or arranged, in order to influence the US presidential election in 2016. As noted in the report: “The investigation has not shown that members of the Trump campaign have conspired with the Russian government in its actions to the electoral interference, or denied.

“has shown, The investigation by the special investigator, that there were two significant Russian efforts to influence the election of 2016. Was one of the first to attempt a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), Disinfo and Social Media campaigns in the United States to perform, to create, ultimately, social unrest with the aim of interfering with the election. As already mentioned, was the special investigator, any U.S. Person, an employee of the Trump campaign, or a closely related Person, conspired with the IRA, or knowingly agreed with, although the special investigator has reported in connection with these activities a criminal complaint against a number of Russian nationals and entities.

The second part concerned the efforts of the Russian government, Computer Hacking actions, and to collect and disseminate information in order to influence the election. The special investigator noted that Russian government actors succesfully hacked the Computer and E-Mails of people have given close to the Clinton campaign and organizations of the Democratic party, and these materials to the public through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks, have spread.

On the Basis of these activities, the special investigator, criminal brought charges against a number of Russian military officers because of a conspiracy to Hack into computers in the United States, in order to influence the election. But as already mentioned, was the special investigator that the Trump campaign or someone close to you, has conspired with the Russian government in these efforts, or coordinated, in spite of several offers from persons associated with Russia to support the Trump campaign.

obstruction of justice.

The second part of the report deals with a number of measures of the President, the majority of which were subject to public reporting examined by the special investigators, with a view to whether they are due to the obstruction of justice of potential concern. The special investigator considered after a “thorough factual investigation” of these matters, whether the conduct has to be assessed in accordance with the standards of the Ministry for law enforcement and refusal decisions, but decided, ultimately, not a traditional law enforcement.

The special adviser has drawn, therefore, is neither in the one nor in the other direction, a conclusion as to whether it is studied the behavior of a disability. Instead, the report presents for each of the studied relevant acts evidence on both sides, and leaves the what the special investigator deems as “difficult questions” with respect to law and facts, be open, [namely,] whether the actions and intentions of the President as a disability. The special investigator is not explained, “although this report comes to the conclusion that the President has committed a crime, it reduces the strain on him”.

the decision of The special investigator, to describe the facts from his investigation to the [justice]disability, without reaching conclusions of law, and leaves it to the Minister of justice to determine whether the described in the report constitutes a Crime. The Deputy Minister of justice, Rod Rosenstein, and I didn’t come (…) to the conclusion that the evidence from the investigation of the special investigator are sufficient to establish that the President has obstructed the administration of justice. (…)

In this decision, we noted that the special investigator has acknowledged that “the evidence will prove that the President was involved in the underlying crime in connection with the Russian election meddling”, and that the Absence of such evidence, with a view to the intention of the President in relation to the disability, although not determinative, but relevant. In General, the government would have to be spoken, in order to reach a conviction because of a disability and maintain, prove beyond all doubt that a Person acted with perishable intention, ( … ), put a hindering behaviour. In the collection of acts of the President, many of which were held in Public, shall designate the report any action that imposes in our sole discretion, a-hindering behavior (…).

Status of the Review by the Ministry of

The relevant rules are designed to ensure that the report of the special investigator is a “confidential report” for the Minister of justice. (…) As I have already said, I am me, however, the public interest in this matter not aware of. For this reason, it is my goal and my intention, as much from the report of the special investigator to release, how can I get with applicable laws, regulations and guidelines of the Ministry in line. (…)

sincerely yours, William P. Barr, Minister for justice”

Created: 25.03.2019, 14:55 PM