“Sanna Lundell revanschsugen – after the criticism of the ”Let’s dance””
“Lundell: ”Now I’ll show them””
“members of The jury found not True Lundell relaxed during their samba in the ”Let’s dance”. “
“Cecilia Lazar gave the performance just a points – something that is True not agreed with fully. “
“I thought they were a little too hard,” she says to Nöjesbladet. “
“When Sanna Lundell had danced clear samba with danspartnern Aaron Brown in the premiere of ”Let’s dance”, she described her condition as ”euphoric”. But if True was euphoric so, the jury was more critical. “
“look at you, you want to let loose but have not matured into it quite yet,” says jury member Ann Wilson in the program.”
“Ann Wilson gives her yet a third in the score, and Tony Irving for a second. The third jury member Cecilia Lazar do not feel however that it is worth more than a score, something that amazes both Sanna Lundell, and Tilde de Paula. “
” A point? It is not even close. You should have seen your eyes when you look into the camera and to take those first steps. It was magic. I thought you were phenomenal, praises Tilde de Paula in the program. “
“Sanna Lundell does not agree with the jury.”
“But in spite of the harsh verdict from the jury, like True Lundell that there is a lot of fun to participate in the ”Let’s dance”. After the program she says to Nöjesbladet that she still is satisfied with her performance. “
“– It was so fucking crazy that is. It was so nervous and almost a little terror. But then it was just so wonderful, so beautiful when you were there, and it just sat in the body. It was so damn funny, ” says Sanna Lundell, and continues:”
“– It’s such a discharge. You have gone and peppat for it here in five weeks and meant that you will get a black out or vomit. And you are standing there and notice that it sits, in all cases reasonably. “
“members of The jury were a little critical and thought that you would let loose a little more. Do you agree with them? “
” I’ve got to work like hell at it with the unleash, I can not do it so well. But then I think that they were a little too tough. “
“And it is a revanschsugen Sanna Lundell, who is now preparing for the next week’s program. “
“– I get hungry. ”Now I’ll show them”, I feel. It’s not fair, ” she says. “