Staff and visitors testify that the drugs are sold openly at the library in Tensta, which P4 Stockholm was the first to report on. One of the explanations for drug dealing escalated at the library think Susanne Lundström is that several of the adjacent businesses have disappeared in recent months.

One after another, have activities left and then have the drug dealing moved closer and now walked into the library. But it has also with the season to make, when it is colder out experiencing the staff that it is worse.

and the visitors seen how the drugs open, replace hand at the library and that they found money and drugs in the books. Several have also experienced the scent of marijuana in the toilets and at the entrance. The situation is perceived as so serious that the library can now be temporarily shut down.

– the Visitors are very worried about this and wonder where they are going. The crowded living conditions is large in this area and the library is for many the rooms they have at home where they can sit in peace and quiet and study, for example. Many are very dependent on our business.

In day to day activities include homework, language café and förskolegrupper who come to visit. In the afternoons, are organised eftermiddagsbibliotek for school pupils who want to hang out but can’t do it at home.

” the Strategy is to call the local police when we discover something and then they will pop and be seen. It doesn’t feel safe for the staff themselves to say to those engaged in drug dealing, but we hope that police presence will improve the situation.

is currently not decided. Susanne Lundström says that it can become a reality if nothing changes but that it first are other ways to go.

– We have also had conversations with the district and will get more field assistants, who should appear on the library. The idea is that we wait and see was the impact of these samverkansresurserna.

in Parallel, if you look at other places in the area since it was previously decided that the library will be renovated and temporarily need to move. When it will happen is not yet decided.

Read more: ”Society needs to see that libraries are an important resource

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