With its announcement to recognize the Golan heights as Israel remains a US President, Trump alone. In the world of the step is criticized. Trump himself defended his decision – he had long been thinking about.

Trumps Golan heights-single-handedly keeps the world in rejection. The UN human rights Council adopted a Resolution calling on Israel to stop the building of settlements in the annexed area. While the representatives of great Britain and other Western countries voted for the Text, rejected him Israel. The Israeli Ambassador described the panel as a party. For the same reason, the United States had pulled out of 2018, from the human rights Council.

US President Donald Trump justified in the homeland for his decision. The channel Fox News, he said: “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time.” He compared the planned recognition of the Golan heights as an Israeli with the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Every President before him have played with the idea, he may go the next step now, ‘ said Trump.

Erdogan: An unfortunate Declaration

For the Region would bring a recognition of massive changes. According to outraged politicians responded from the Middle East. The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abul Gheit, asked Trump: “Rethink this faulty Situation and think deeply about the immediate and later consequences.”

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a Meeting of the organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) foreign Ministers of Muslim countries in Istanbul: “Never can, and we will admit that the occupation of the Golan heights is legitimized.” Trumps “unfortunate statement” has put the Region “on the threshold of a new crisis and new tensions”.

Trump meets with u-turn in middle East policy on criticism
tagesschau at 20:00, 22.03.2019, Daniel Hechler, ARD Cairo

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