The Charité hospital in Berlin, would like to cooperate with the country’s own Vivantes-clinics, a nursing school with 2500 training places. Such a nursing staff, and Campus, should be in the centre built, said Charite CEO Karl Max Einhäupl on Friday, because the trainees are to be used in often the centre of middle clinics.

“building plots of land in the middle of it is no more,” said Einhäupl: “so We’re looking in other parts of the city – but it is important that the young people place both their education as well as the jobs in the hospital wards.” In the best case, the trainees should be able to live on Campus – a concept that was used several decades. Recently, Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) had announced for police students, new apartments, in addition to the training sites in Ruhleben and Friedrichsfelde build.

almost all of the clinics nurses to be sought. The Charité recruiting currently nurses from Albania, Mexico, and Vietnam. The occasion for the Remarks of the Charité-chief Einhäupl, the cycle was annual balance sheet of the University hospital. As the daily mirror had already reported in advance, has generated the Charité, also in 2018, with a slight Plus: profit for The year amounts to € 800,000, confirmed hospital Director Astrid Lurati on Friday. Measured at 1.8 billion in sales this, however, is extremely scarce.

The Charité has been voted the best hospital in Europe

Charité-Dean, Axel Pries, announced on Friday a record of third-party funds, with € 170 million – nationwide, that is a peak value. Science-Secretary of state Steffen noise (SPD) said, the total plus not to be assessed in the event of rising costs of “high enough”. He pointed out that the University was selected by the prestigious American magazine “Newsweek” to Europe’s best hospital.

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order On Friday, it was a different sum, which is significantly smaller, but led to the Board joy: 508 new full-time jobs has created the Charité last year. Most of these newly-hired persons – Doctors, IT people, nurses, biologists receive the respective wage. Together with its subsidiaries, the Charité has now more than 18,000 employees, soon you could be Berlin’s largest employers.

Charité-chief Karl Max Einhäupl.Doris Spiekermann-Klaas

However, not all employees are happy about the policy of the Board of management. The Ergo challenge and physiotherapists of the subsidiary company CPPZ for more than a year, according to the same Tariff, the Charité employees paid Root. This would mean almost 100 employees, several Hundred Euro a month. On Friday, the therapists protested, therefore, against the Charité-Supervisory Board meeting held on Campus in the middle of it. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the state-owned University hospital of Berlin mayor Michael Müller (SPD). In the past year, the house of representatives had decided that the daughter companies of state-owned hospitals are to be reintegrated.

“I understand the strikers when the CPPZ,” said Einhäupl. “With the rising cost in Berlin, you can’t live on these wages.” The Charité need but also revenue in order to pay the therapists for the better rate. Currently, the relevant health insurance companies, quenched and tempered, many of the activities in a clinic. Clinic Director Astrid Lurati pointed out that the case-based lump sums for the treatments based only on average values. Complex cases, how they are treated in the Charité hospital, would not sufficiently remunerated.

Charité-Chairman of the Board, Einhäupl is in September

The Supervisory Board to be replaced currently has another Charité-Causa. The funds objected to, apparently, strikingly, many of the accounts of the clinic. Clinic Director Lurati said, the Medical service of the health insurance funds (MDK) in the past five years, approximately 26 per cent of all invoices in question. This may not be correct invoices are among the most extensive: it affects 50 per cent of the total turnover in the health care, and so hundreds of millions of euros.

these disputed bills the Charité hospital to the MDK-tests had to abandon 35 percent of the sum more than 100 million euros and kept the funds so, because of the Charité had calls with error bills introduced. Director Lurati said, you have pointed out, the Doctors increasingly on the importance of a proper billing. The proportion of rejected bills was lower than in previous years.

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3000 In the 100 individual clinics and institutes at the four Charité-sites hospital beds. In the year 2018 here 152.693 stationary and 692.920 outpatient cases were treated. Overall, this corresponds roughly to the previous year. At the medical faculty, which is one of the largest in Germany, currently trained approximately 7500 students of human medicine and dental medicine. Karl Max Einhäupl, who started his career once as a neurologist and the Charité since 2008, directs, will be replaced this September by the göttingen pharmacologists Heyo Kroemer.